Elian Raid; IMF Protests; Naomi Klein; Email Hoaxes; Columbine; Remember the Presidential Campaign?

The media can be seen as a weapon or a shield. This week, NPR's On the Media looks at how both the IMF protesters and the police used media. Also how financial journalism affects the stock market and the evils of corporate branding. That and more this week on NPR's On the Media.

Host Bob Garfield examines round-the-clock, wall-to-wall reporting on the photo that has become the icon of the early morning raid to recover Elian Gonzalez. Then reporter Amy Eddings looks at the IMF demonstrations in Washington, D.C. and how both the protesters and the police used the media.

This week the media returned to Colorado as the town observed the one year anniversary of the shooting at Columbine High School. Bob talks to Denver Westward’s Michael Roberts about the community and the media. And oh yeah·.the campaign· Slate's Jacob Weisberg confronts the story the media is NOT covering this week: the presidential race. Finally, New York writer and performer David Rakoff reveals the contents of his own media diet.

Segment 3- LISA AND BOB
MSNBC Internet Reporter Lisa Napoli talks with Bob about this week's web stories, including the arrest of a teenage hacker and the bursting of the dot com bubble. People say you shouldn't believe everything you read in your inbox·just some things. Reporter Deirdre Kennedy investigates internet hoaxes and viral advertising. Finally, Canadian Author Naomi Klein talks about her new book No Logo and the social, cultural and political effects of corporate branding.

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