After Deadly Tugboat Crash, Fuel Spill 'Could Have Been Worse'

Officials from the state Department for Environmental Conservation are on the site of the tugboat crash

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said Sunday that a private contractor is working to clean up several thousand gallons of diesel fuel that spilled into the Hudson after a tugboat crashed and sank near the Tappan Zee Bridge construction project early Saturday, killing two with another missing and presumed dead.

Boat captain John Lipscomb of the environmental group Riverkeeper said the 5,000-gallon diesel oil spill was mitigated by a number of factors. The water along the Hudson has been relatively calm, he said, and the nature of the oil makes the spill less severe.

"If you're gonna have a spill, diesel fuel is preferable to, let's say, crude oil that we see moving on the Hudson," Lipscomb said. "Or asphalt."

Meanwhile, Governor Cuomo met with the family of 29-year-old Timothy Conkin of Long Island, whose body was pulled out of the river Sunday morning. Paul Amon, a 62-year-old man from New Jersey, was found dead in the water Saturday.

A third crew member was still missing on Sunday. As a fellow mariner, Lipscomb said he feels the loss of the men.

"The river will fully recover, whereas the families and the men involved will not."