Gentrification In Pittsburgh: A Tale of Two Cities

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Ask a resident of Pittsburgh what it's like to live there these days, and you might get a tale of two cities.

Like many American cities experiencing gentrification, many people of color and lower income residents in the Steel City are getting priced out of their homes. Fancy new eateries and tall, shiny high rises are starting to pepper predominantly black neighborhoods like East Liberty.

The latest installment of our series "Uncomfortable Truths: Confronting Racism in America," comes from Virginia Alvino Young, a reporter at WESA in Pittsburgh. She brought two Pittsburghers from the black community together to talk about gentrification: James Logbo, a recent transplant by way of Washington, D.C., and Nila Peyton, a lifelong resident live who's seen a lot of change while living in East Liberty. They discuss their perspectives on who's being elevated by the progress, and who's getting pushed out of the city.