The Uneasy Future of Germany's Refugees

 Far right-wing demonstrators gather in front of Hauptbahnhof railway station to protest against German Chancellor Angela Merkel's refugee policy on May 7, 2016 in Berlin, Germany.

Last summer, as headlines showed thousands of Middle Eastern refugees struggling to reach Europe--and often dying in the process--Germany set itself apart from many in the international community by warmly opening its doors. 

One year later, over a million refugees have migrated to Germany, but the warmth has begun to fade. Now, harnessing fears of immigration and disdain for the media, far Right groups are seizing the moment to advance their cause. Ilya Marritz went to Germany to witness the shifting tide of public opinion and examine how a decades-old media rule could tip the discourse in either direction.

This reporting was supported by the International Center for Journalists, through a Holbrooke Research Grant.



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