Reihan Salam, National Review executive editor, Slate columnist and co-author of Grand New Party: How Conservatives Can Win the Working Class and Save the American Dream (Doubleday, 2008), looks ahead to Thursday's first debate among the top 10 Republican presidential contenders.
Discussing 2016-ers on #BlackLivesMatter - @reihan says it's important for Clinton to get it right for black vote. pic.twitter.com/scjsvoBZGw
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) August 3, 2015
@BrianLehrer @HillaryClinton made me tear up with her words at the @NatUrbanLeague. She threw down and it was such a badass moment.
— Isabel (@MlleIsabelH) August 3, 2015
@brianlehrer Government does not obstruct right to rise, but makes success possible for working Americans- a rising tide lifts all boats.
— Rita Costabile Tobin (@rctnyc) August 3, 2015
@BrianLehrer Why does @nytimes not realize that @BernieSanders is a candidate running for President? No coverage of Bernie what so ever!
— Jay Wolf (@jaywolf83) August 3, 2015
Anyone listening in Camden right now? How successful would you say police reforms have been? (Our guest @reihan says it's like night + day.)
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) August 3, 2015
.@reihan: many see policing issues as racially divided, but big differences btwn older African Americans and young, homeowners vs not, etc.
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) August 3, 2015