The Hacker and The Spy

Former CIA agent Valerie Plame and "The Ethical Hacker" Ralph Echemendia at the Tribeca Film Festival.

A lot has changed since 2003, when former CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity was leaked by members of the Bush administration. Now we're living in the age of WikiLeaks, Edward Snowden and the Sony hacking scandal, where digital information is more accessible than ever. Case in point: Ralph Echemendia, who goes by "The Ethical Hacker," showed just how easy it is to hack into someone's computer by pulling up a Tribeca Film Festival intern's desktop on a big screen during this panel. 

Hear Plame and Echimendia, along with Alex Gibney, director of We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks, and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Bart Gellman, discussing the intersection of "Secrecy and Power."