Hall of Science Dedication

New York Mayor Robert F. Wagner at the dedication of the new home of the Fashion Institute of Technology on May 4, 1959.

This episode is from the WNYC archives. It may contain language which is no longer politically or socially appropriate.

Shorter version of T249, T250, Catalog # 6186.

Dedication of the World's Fair Hall of Science. City Council President Paul Screvane opens the dedication by describing how the hall, built for the fair, will become a permanent monument to Science in Flushing Meadows. He then introduces Queens Borough President Mario J. Cariello.

Cariello thanks all in attendance. He introduces two Queens youths, Larry Reed, an outstanding Boyscout, and Joseph D. Denado, and outstanding member of the Boys Club of Queens. These boys both exhibited an interest in aeronautics and space flight.

George M. Bunker, president of the Martin Marietta Corporation speaks. His company made a major donation to the the Hall of Science with the exhibit "Rendezvous in Space." He speaks about the excitement of the space age.

Robert Moses and Mayor Robert Wagner also speak. The recording Frank Capra, film producer, who introduces a film that will be on exhibition in the Hall.

Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection

WNYC archives id: 70562
Municipal archives id: T833