Every Friday morning for the past three years, Mayor Bill de Blasio has gotten on the phone with WNYC's Brian Lehrer, where he chats about news of the day and the priorities of his administration, and then speaks directly with New Yorkers about their concerns. Now, with de Blasio kicking off a long shot campaign for the White House, Lehrer reflects with WNYC's Jami Floyd about what he's learned about de Blasio over the years, and what kind of candidate he thinks de Blasio will be on the national stage.
"One of the strengths is that he leads with his values, so he's really good at talking about the philosophical underpinnings of his policies," said Lehrer. "The flipside...is that one of his weaknesses is that he can be pedantic and kind of lecture or scold the callers, or sometimes me, in a way that feels impersonal or, to callers, sometimes kind of 'mansplainy.'"