High Lead Levels Found In Water Of NYC and Newark Schools

We discuss recent investigations that revealed high lead levels in the water of New York City and Newark schools.

Mary Harris, WNYC reporter/co-host of “Only Human,” Monona Rossol, an industrial hygienist for ACTS, and Chris Sturm, Managing Director of Policy and Water for New Jersey Future, join us to discuss recent investigations that revealed high lead levels in the water of New York City and Newark schools. The Newark public school district at one point had over 30 schools with high lead levels in its water.

WNYC's Data News Team mapped out every lead-positive water fountain they found in New York City schools. Explore the map below. Click here to learn more about the map.

Note: Darker points on the map correspond to a higher level of lead found at a single water fountain in the building. Larger points correspond to more water fountains found with lead. School buildings marked as grey had at least one elevated sample but WNYC does not have a copy of the results letter to see how many water fountains, if any, had lead. If you have a copy of a letter to share, send it to us at health@wnyc.org.