J. Anthony Panuch Speaks to Prospective Exhibitors for the 1964 New York World's Fair
Robert Moses, President of the organizing corporation for the 1964 World's Fair, begins this meeting for potential exhibitors. He makes a few announcements about the shortage of space for industrial exhibits, planning for the park in Flushing Meadows, the Van Wyck Expressway expansion and other civic improvements that will be made with funds provided by the City of New York. The height restriction of industrial buildings in the area will be raised to 80 feet.
Thomas J. Deegan, Chairman of the Executive Committee, reflects on efforts to win the bid for the fair for New York, the estimated six billion dollars that it will generate, and the "blessing" of Robert Moses "calling the shots."
Chairman of Finance John J . Hones and Executive Vice President William E. Potter express their confidence in Robert Moses to organize the fair successfully and make a return on invested funds.
Next, Assistant Chairman J. Anthony Panuch outlines the goals of the Fair, the application process, and criteria for rented exhibit space. The fair will have two sections: Industry and Transportation. A layout map has been awarded, and he expects the finished map will be ready in early September. He answers a few questions from the attendees.
"We will produce commerce; we will provide commerce and industry with the biggest and most fascinating showcase conceived and constructed by the imagination and the hands of man".
Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection
WNYC archives id: 150444
Municipal archives id: LT9062
This is a machine-generated transcript. Text is unformatted and may contain errors.
Ladies and gentlemen. It's a little early but it's a hot day and we'll start and try to get the information to you as rapidly as we can I if there are any more any of you who have the identification cards were given to you as you came in if any of you still have them will you please pass them to the outside. Of the audience never be picked up. That's good and hard and if any of you have to take a culture off please do sell. Now my pleasure. And privilege. Do I deduce a matter was accomplishments are known to all of you the president of the New York World's Fair nine hundred sixty four and sixty five star Robert Moses. Sounds almost like a political in for adoption. You have this. Brochure and just about everything that. I have to say is in the brochure. Idea or system. First of all to tell you where this area is let's set aside. For industry distinguish from foreign exhibits and other things and. Indicate what some of the ground rules are and then see. How many of you are interested in what you want. One thing the. Only one thing that I want to particularly emphasize and that is that there is a shortage of space and Flushing Meadow for all the industrial exhibits. That's non fortunate thing but we're working within a certain framework here that we can change. Framework. Is not only based upon a. Utilities and what we inherited from the previous fare and what was done by the city in the way of establishing a park care but day it's primarily conditioned by the access roads of the OP Terry a limb programs which are on an enormous scale none of these problems are new in the sense that. They have been on the program before intercept program federal state and local a lot Tiriel construction has been speeded up there is one new entirely new addition. That's the extension of them like expressway. Through the park area up to northern ball of God which I personally happen to think is the most important single lottery being constructed within the city limits today the total cost of those improvements is ninety five million dollars ninety percent of it in all but one case federal and ten percent state there is some additional money being put in by the city which must grow the plans and this is not. Just lines on a map these things of being constructed the money is there to build them and they are the key to the success of the fat zero up. There has been some talk Doubtless some of you have heard of it. Of. Restricting the height of the buildings in the industrial drastically restricting the height of buildings in the industrial area perhaps to forty feet or something of that con and providing for a very relatively very small coverage of the plots. In the light of what we have learned of the land that's available and what is needed for these ought to real improvements utilities and so forth. We have concluded that we ought to let these buildings go up to a maximum height of eighty feet the only restriction that exists bylaw at this time are the only restriction that we have to follow that we have no control over. As the height of buildings as determined by the. Air people the people who control Abbey ational that's one hundred seventy feet of snow but talking about it I'll just mention a passing of something that. In any event would have to be conformity to how you got the eighty feet figure as to the it's an arbitrary thing something has to be an arbitrary figure can't be anything scientific about it and I want to point out particularly that this eighty foot restriction. Does not apply or does not necessarily apply in the area which is going to be. Where we have a turning over the transportation exhibits to the Port of New York the farty. The reasons are are obvious. For instance the exhibits of aircraft have to the buildings have to be a very considerable height to accommodate to accommodate the new machines and all that sort of thing. As to our coverage we finally agreed on fifty percent. A rental is based on live round space the socket part and has no reference to the height of the building in other words it's so much a foot. Fall the. Ground that you occupy. All that in outline is the story as to. Progress of work this ought to work we've talked about is going along so is all the other utility work. We are going to get information as fast as we can about the federal exhibit but there is as yet no federal commission to determine what it will be. The city exhibit will be in this building the state exhibit is in in doubt as to just the block what the nature of it will be. The other states of taken an interest and that auto fare is moving along. Question of just what nations abroad will participate is something we're not in a position to discuss now we have some knowledge of the subject and we're sending groups of people of all or abroad to talk to the top people in the foreign countries on the ground and find out just what they want odd contrary to some of the impressions created in the press for reasons which I don't understand these are not jumping expeditions these are reliable substantial prominent people who know what they're doing. And that's about it. I'd like now to. Call on Mr chairman of the executive committee. Thank you Mr Moses. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen I'll be very brief I think that at least I like to view today as in a stark occasion. And I'll tell you in a few short sentences. It will be next Sunday since the first announcement about the design. Was made by Mayor Wagner. The highlights in this year Kahneman aiding in this visit with you today. Quickly and simply. Having only that to start with and the interest of the men who are on this day and others who are leaders in the community. We first had to win it for New York. As you may recall Washington D.C. had a very well organized. Project to get the. Well through the concentration of these leaders in New York we descended upon the President's Committee in Washington and made what has been characterized as the six billion dollars sale that we hope that that is the amount of money that will be. Area during one thousand nine hundred sixty five. Collateral projects were. Not in New York but in the world if you will to run this the boss the chief executive officer and I think. That we were blessed. Thanks. To bring this about to get the. Man who could produce. The dollars necessary to put this show on the road. Getting volunteer services of the distinguished businessman and bank John Haynes who is chairman of. Thank the city of New York up to now has made its contribution in the form of the site we are at today. We have. With Mr Moussa is. Calling the shots he has surrounded himself with some of the top men in the country. In the form of a hard core organization and you will meet some of them today and you will hear from them today it will be self evident that we now we're all ready to talk with you during the last year I've heard I myself have heard from many of you and I've had visits with many of you but never really and honestly had anything I could tell you except that we had. Faith and intentions and now I hope we will have good works thank you thank you. I would like to present. John W. Haynes a channel Finance Committee. Thank you. President Moses. Ladies and gentlemen. My job with the New York World's Fair is a relatively simple one. All I have to do is to get about seventy five million dollars together to finance this great project. And I just like to say that I have first of all the greatest confidence in our ability to raise whatever money is necessary to put this great project safely on its way. As you know. Connected as long as you've been with industry in this country. The basis of all credit. Is primarily confidence. Confidence in the management of the enterprise. And confidence more importantly in their ability to repay money is borrowed. First of all. I wouldn't undertake this project with any less an individual at its head than Robert Moses I have the greatest confidence that whatever he says he's going to perform. He's never been connected with a failure yet and he isn't going to connect be connected with one now so all I can say to you is I have the greatest confidence first of all that we will not spin monies. That we cannot see. Every assurance of their repayment. I have confidence secondarily in the figures which show that in this great metropolitan center if we can meet the estimates of competent. Engineers. I'll be attendance. All of the interest up industry and others in the fair itself and the great state. And city of New York. We will meet those estimates and we will produce seventy million people to see this great project. I have every confidence. That we're going to have the greatest World's Fair that's ever been known Thank you very much thanks. I'll miss General William E. Potter executive vice president. Thank you Mr Moses gentleman my long experience where this organization now in its three plus days. Has caused me to have a great deal of knowledge of bomb parts going on. I've been concerned first about decisions I find that decisions are made long before I think up the problem. I was concerned about the competence of the people who are going to head what we can call a Monday in details of this great operation the people who had those divisions in this organization are brilliant they're driving their most competent. I would like to assure you for the integral part of the organization that's going to deal with you most. That we are going to devote ourselves to seeing that you are satisfied and that all the predictions that Mr Moses and Mr Haynes have made come true thank you thank. No turn over the meeting to Mr J. Anthony panicked the vice president charge of this field of activity and after he's told you how he views his job and what there is to be done if you will address your questions to him I think they'll be answered. Thanks. But most is. Not of the executive committee. John of industry. Since New York World's Fair I was first announced every company on in the straight ahead today. Has written us evidencing keen interest. In participating either as Exhibit A or as concession on. Your letter you have asked many questions of infinite variety. Now the fair as you all know is an undertaking of massive complex. And or low an enormous amount of proprietary work has been accomplished since last December the affair is still in the planning and spade work state Nevertheless as we said in our letter inviting you to come to Flushing Meadows today. Framework of certain features of the fat is more or less clear of the neighbors as to come up with preliminary answers to many but not all of your questions. If your careful study and convenient reference we have got out of all of the information which can be released at this time in the several pounds which are in the package. Each of you received at the outset of this be. The key document of that package is this booklet that I now hold before you call preliminary information on industrial transportation exhibit areas which is reflected in these top of the displays that I have before you. One of the purposes of my remarks and perhaps the most important part is to focus your attention on the materials that make up this orientation kit and to invite your earnest study on it. And let me just say a few words about the big picture. It is a dress a welcome miss the Moses. The in the brochure which you should read calculate painted a vivid word picture a what commas and industry international endo mastic can expect of the New York Wells foul up of one thousand nine hundred sixty four sixty five with characteristic felicity of phrase he pledged that here in Flushing Meadow in one thousand nine hundred fifty four and one nine hundred sixty five and I quote now. We well produce Comus we will provide commas and industry with the biggest and most fascinating showcase conceived I'm constructed by the imagination and the hands of man how those of you assemble here well familiar with Bob Moses write God and know something about the experience and capabilities of the man he has gathered around even the Pharaoh organization will have no doubt that the shell case as he has called it and which he has promised will materialize out it will come end up being on schedule and it will indeed be as represented the biggest and most fascinating showcase conceived and constructed by the imagination of the hands of man equally important as he has stressed in his brief remarks today ready access to showcase by every conceivable means of transportation is a shock by the expenditure of ninety fifth ninety five million dollars The odd Terrio network will be in a state of complete readiness before the OP perhaps opens in one nine hundred sixty fault that he tells operatically portrayed in the generally information power but in your orientation get out and that is placed before you now let me get down to what Joel Potter has called for the Monday in matters of this particular need. Things that concern me and which I think primarily concerned you basically and specifically I am sure you are interested and how much exhibits phase has been set aside for commas and interest. Where it is to be locate it. How much it is going to cost and how it is to be allocated You will also want to know who will be responsible for construction and I mean a general way what the ground rules for the construction of buildings and exhibits are likely to be some of this material is not in the pro shop and that is one reason why I am addressing you there is not my custom and a part pad set of remarks. You would like to know. Show off the maximum amount of space that can be leased to any single exhibitor important truth you want to know with whom you should do business and they go sheeting exhibit space and heart of gold body. All of this information will be contained in the fair corporation's formal regulations which are in the process of preparation but within the next few minutes I shall try to give you as simply and as completely as I have always within the limits of available information some tentative answers to these basic questions which will prevent you to proceed with your own planning for the fact not let me go to the question of location of industrial examples as you can see from the general information powerful in from the displays. Before you domestic and industrial and commerce exhibits loaded be displayed in two separate sections of the fact the sections will be known as the industry section which contains to move made in eight hundred ninety one thousand square feet of writing sample space. But transportation sext containing two million five hundred thousand square feet of ratable space is the of a sec. The total makes up and adds up to five million three hundred ninety one thousand. Square feet of runnable face for top industry requirements France potations as we have called it into now let me say something about space rates and conditions for industrial exhibit this is bolts and nuts but it's stuff that is very very important to you in the detail approach. Of planning your exit. I began everything I'm going to touch on now will be spelled out in detail in the fair's regulations which are in the process of preparation as I have set my full of proper press here is a brief resume they say round number one Randall the right for all industrial exhibit space in both the industry and cons potations X. has been tentatively stablished a four dollars a year off the square for this information appears at page twelve of the jelly information found love in your organization get. Number two now how do you pay a rental car rental for the first yeah I'll defend nine hundred sixty four payable as follows ten percent on signing of letter of intent by the examiner forty percent on signing of the least five. And fifty percent on beginning of construction by the example the balance of right zero for the second Yop. Will be paid as specified in the seventies only. Responsibility for can lock. Off a corporation will not undertake or be responsible for the construction up have billions and buildings of exhibit. The same rule applies to concession I have construction of all such buildings and structures love be the responsibility of exhibit as and concession a. Temporary nature of all buildings. Both directions built by Exhibit A list will be of temporary character and must be demolished promptly at the close of the fast. Five approval of a design the design of all buildings and exhibits well be subject to the approval of the president of the wells fact operation acting on behalf of the Executive Committee of the board of directors let me repeat that the design of all buildings and exhibits will be subject to the approval of the president of the welfare cooperation acting on behalf of the Executive Committee of the board of directors. Maximum block coverage as Mr most is already explained. And that's graphically portrayed in the gel information pounds left of which is a part of your orientation kid a maximum permissible building coverage of any lot I'll not exceed that it's at the height of structures except. For the reservation that Mr Moses made clear to you in his opening remarks today in the transportation section. Nobili all structure shall exceed eighty feet in height. Landscape the area of any luck not covered by a Belling all buildings must be a landscape to the satisfaction of the fact operates. Limitations on space to be rented there are certain limits on the rent lots things in the industry section no exhibit or maybe a lot of ball then two acres. In the transportation sector allocation of space to any single exhibit of the rest within the sound discretion of the fair co-operation and will depend on the merits and the educational value of each exhibit. Now. The last point is that no preferential allocation of space a fact operation regards all space as being equally preferential no example I will be allocated space on the basis of the amount of fair cooperation bonds which it may have pledges I make that clear out any company that wants to buy fact corporation bonds as well but it does not entitle you to any preference on space if the exhibit out. Space will be allocated on the basis of the promptness with which lands for exhibits and requests thoughts based off the. Conformance of building an exhibit plans to the basic design of the past it's clean and exhibit his financial responsibility and other relevant right area established by the fact operate. Health and building called. There will be a special building called governing the construction and operation of all fair exhibits building structures and concession a copy of the proposed building code is in the package which has been just riveted to each other and has been carefully prep pad and draws on the experience of nine hundred thirty nine of the nine hundred forty that the city council it's like to act on this thought. Special help called it will be a special health called governing all fair operating. A copy of the proposed health code is in your package like the building called the health hold will be acted on software by the city council now many of you asked. And have written about the Fair ground plan. The contract for the fair layout map has been awarded and the map itself should be ready in the early part of September the fair layout map will cover the entire least area. When approved by the fair Corp don't fail layout map will be the base a map to use for all engineering contracts and for the leasing of space to exhibit as an concessionaires How does a cost haven't that on Telus fare back fairly out map is completed and approved no definite action can or should be taken. With respect to any application for space by any gender but this does not preclude potential exhibitors from informally applying for space at this time stating their requirements whether they would participate as individual exhibitors that is as companies or as elements of an industry in general not doesn't preclude such potential exhibitors from submitting for the fair corporation's consideration and the plans that they now have with respect to their participation in the file to a common a companies and industries in this category we are setting up immediately informal machinery for the preliminary study of such outlet Cajuns and for problem unary conferences with the responsible officials of such companies now let me go to the question of polemic every processing of space applications at this chart by special arrangements between the New York a far Port Authority and the fair corporation. The Port Authority has agreed to take over at the request of the fair cooperation and as the agent of the fat call placed subject to policies and regulations established by the fair corporation the leasing of all space to exhibit as in the transportation section of the fair. This means that any company or industry concerned or contributing to the movement out people and goods whether by land or water will exhibit in the transportation section of the fair exhibit space rates of cost will be the same as in the industry section and any company or industry that's classified should file example occasion for exhibit space in the transportation section of the fair with the Port of New York authority at one one one eighth Avenue in. New York eleven and why directed to the attention of Mr Guy to his own think Mr Geithner's Ollie's he would stand up Mr Zolli and identify yourself. In the industry section. All friends corporations are industries which do not fall into the transportation category as I have the fine should follow a preliminary application for space with the felt fair cooperation addressed to me that is J. Anthony panic vice president New York rolls fan one hundred sixty four sixty five cooperation flushing metal POC P. O. Box two seventy flushing fifty two your I let me say a word about this preliminary application routine. Of course my office is working closely with the Port of New York authority in streamlining the handing over all potential exhibit right now we are engaged in the development of standardised letters of intent lease license forms and common procedures within the framework of policies established by the fact corporation I expect these forms and procedures to be approved and formalized by the time the fairly out map is ready in the meantime however we should welcome informal preliminary applications and companies and industries for space at the fair it is suggested that such parliamentary applications follow a few simple ground rule number one in full no letter of application should be on the potential exhibit as letterhead and should be signed by a duly authorized officer number took it should state the amount of space desired number three it should specify whether the expect the exhibitor desires to construct its own pavilion to house its exhibit A whether prefers to participate as a co-sponsor in an industry exhibit thought. In the case of individual exhibitors it would be highly desirable to submit copy of plans if available for any provisions or exhibits the construction of which may be contemplated find a church specify a date or dates when the responsible offices of the exhibit A and meet with the officials of the fact cooperation for a preliminary discussion of the plans or requests set forth in that preliminary application Now you may well ask what useful purpose will be served by the preliminary application routine which I propose the most important effect of the poll Lim unary informal application is that it fixes a fairly Dafa net and concrete basis for early individual conferences between Potenza example as an hour south. I shall in a very short time of a small compact staff which will make possible polemic Mary conference with each company individually on the basis of their preliminary applications we are prepared to schedule these conferences either our office or yours we fully appreciate that many of the company's help preferred a plan that is sign of the pavilion and exhibit after they they have had an opportunity to study law fair layout map on the other hand many of the John Wall I product companies which have exhibited out of Moscow on Brussels fads how undoubtedly given serious thought and how a fairly good idea of the kind of example which they intend to participate in the New York swells file of nine hundred sixty four nine hundred sixty five it is not a hope and certainly our intention to do everything in our power to expedite the advance planning of exhibitors in both categories we believe that the preliminary application informal conference machinery which we proposed. Followed by informal discussions between the responsible officials of the potential example as an assault would be mutually had beneficial it could conceivably also prove helpful in the aqua blue allocation of space in conformity with the theme and design of the found when the fairly out map becomes available and formal letters are being sucked concessions. I have had a number of inquiries with respect to concessions now concessions are within the jurisdiction of Mr Stuart constable vice president in charge of operations who open this meeting and introduce Mr Bobbsey. I have been advised by Mr Constable that the fact cooperation is engaged at this time in a comprehensive analysis of all concessions granted in the one nine hundred thirty nine forty fair this study includes the identities of the various concessionaire analysis of the products and services sold and the location of each concession ran this analysis is completed I am advised a fair corporation will establish an appropriate policy with respect to the proper combination and physical location of concession operations which will adequately serve the public during the World's Fair out of one thousand nine hundred sixty four and one thousand nine hundred eighty five. Now ladies and gentlemen what I have said together with the information made your orientation kids and the displays before you is about all that we are in a position to tell you at this time with respect to the world found one thousand nine hundred sixty four thousand nine hundred sixty five we hope. After you have digested this information you will feel I thought trip to Flushing about all this money was worthwhile I can assure you on behalf of my Thera selves I myself we have spared no effort to make it so thank you for your text. Now are best of President Moses suggest that I within the framework of Amari Mox on the framework of the content of this meeting while there are any questions that you would like to ask at this time. Sa. Would you go over to the one of these bikes so that we can hear you I should say at the advance of any question Perry at that you should present just two of Mike because it's impossible to hear you. The question is whether the industrial exhibit is will be permitted to sell their product at their exhibit. That's a question that's under consideration I will do it soon in some cases that the answer to that would be yes but each case must be decided on its own specific facts yes on. Building a provision where we have to consider the of the World's Fair and operate within that frame you are bound secondly well and when do you expect the actual thing to be delivered so that we can make plans or sketches in regard to that sign or we expect that theme and designed to be delivered value shortly and to be made about all public information. Yes. That might that. One or would be I wonder if it would be possible for this audience each to have a copy of the attendance list of today's meeting I beg pardon me each person in the audience have a copy of the attendance list of today's meeting. Surely. One question I had Will the area of space technology be considered a part of transportation or industrial exhibit I think you get down to our question our via what constitutes American industry and I should think that it would overlap both when I'm in no position to answer not now until specific exhibits and particular plans off to be decided based on your application that's right in the question of deciding on exhibit areas based on a first come first served prove plans basis I assume that after your theme has been set that you will have an overall design coordinator I have in mind to exhibits that might be tremendous in their own design aspects if they land next to each other as a result of being one and two they are both could be spoiled is going to would be very you would assist us greatly by writing putting that in writing and giving us a specific example of the type of exhibits that you think would be had such conflicts I only without my only point out the problem Mr Panic that good design takes a long time and a first come first serve could hurt your overall design. Thank you. Yes. Number one was the panic Well the minimum want to stablished the building upon. And the second question is the rental that has been quoted at what I was persuaded what will that apply to the plot or to the net building. I don't know they got quiet on the standard question the to be good enough to read. Well the first question of course was Will there be a will there be a minimum plot to stablish for building upon otherwise will that be your quota maximum will that be a minimum plot established we have not considered the question of a minimum plot I say but it's a question that we want Dolly would have to consider the other question was your quote of four dollars a square foot as a rental basis and will that be for the in total of which you say only fifty percent can be built upon or will it be for the net area of the building lot how it will be for the land because that means then that for a group of people going to get in building they must proportionately pay a higher rental exact Thank you. Just on the back row. Like in the case of an industry wide exhibits or who will be a control of allocation the Industry Association or the fair group. Well in allocations the fan our cooperation will have the final decision but we would hope that in the event of a fair industry a proposal and by a fair industry proposal I mean an industry which has been duly authorized by its constituent companies to make a proposal on behalf of the constituent companies which is probably sponsored and finance they will both be given the most serious consideration in the decision of the fair corporation. Yes I'm. Mr panic as the rental of space include the delivery of utilities to the periphery of that particular space it has been renting. Yes. I feel that part of the. Reason for the fair so far as we're concerned here is the presentation of the American free enterprise system I wondered what thought you had given to participation by small business other than as part of an industry group because there may be many small industries that are dependent on concerns that are very dominate OS are you raise a very profound question as to the constitution of American industry. Which is unquestionably has to be given very serious study I have had some applications which raise that very question for instance autism groups things I've kind I mean other groups which are contract as of Lodge companies and things of that now secondly that will have to be given consideration and I do think that we should. Consider just watch prominence and what strategic position should be given its. Small industry except you have any time schedule for that considerate. I'll call a meeting to adjourn.