Jane Sanders: 'Status Quo Politics in America Has Got to Change'

This conversation is part of a series of interviews with representatives of each of the 2016 candidates. Click here to see more.
Jane Sanders, social worker, academic and former president of Burlington College, and wife of Senator Bernie Sanders, speaks on behalf of her husband's campaign.
Dr. Sanders started by speaking about her Brooklyn upbringing. She grew up in Bed-Stuy, then in Flatbush. "Every block is a neighborhood in Brooklyn, and it's a wonderful place to grow up."
"We didn’t have the internet but we did have the @BKLYNlibrary." @janeosanders talks about her Brooklyn upbringing on @WNYC.
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) March 30, 2016
Bernie Sanders has said that his wife is one of his chief advisers, so Brian asked what she advises him on. "Just like any wife, on everything. He takes some and he doesn't take others!" she laughed. "I'm the final arbiter usually on the television ads."
Are you a Democratic Socialist, like your husband. "I'm not," said Dr. Sanders. "I'm an independent."
Dr. Sanders said she doesn't accept some supporters' dismissal of the poll numbers or the media's dismissal of the campaign, saying he's won by huge margins lately. "[The media's] analysis on this campaign has been woefully inadequate, on both sides."
@BrianLehrer fervent Sanders supporter...and yes, of course I will support the Dem nominee if it's Clinton
— Ballark (@ballark) March 30, 2016
@BrianLehrer Independent here, will not vote for Hillary. Will write in other.
— Tino Giugno (@tin_giun) March 30, 2016
@BrianLehrer I would reluctantly vote for Clinton. Trump would be a disaster, both to the status quo and the country as a whole.
— Rob Gunther (@RobGunther) March 30, 2016
@BrianLehrer It's incredibly reductive to assume our choices as democrats are only Sanders or Clinton. If not Sanders why not Green Party?
— Patrick McAndrews (@mcandp2) March 30, 2016
I think @BrianLehrer and @chrislhayes deserve some recognition for exposing these #NeverHillary people. They are not my allies.
— Nichelle Stephens (@niche) March 30, 2016
Two words to all these irresponsible #BernieSanders "supporters" @BrianLehrer @wnyc: Supreme Court. The rest is a giant distraction #SCOTUS
— Holley Atkinson (@HolleyA) March 30, 2016