Louis Armstrong Instruments and More Now On Display

Louis Armstrong left more artifacts behind than most of us could hope to produce in ten lifetimes. There were his two autobiographies, his many magazine articles, over 30 films, and more than anything, that music—five decades of it.

But while we can consume much of what Louis Armstrong left behind with the help of an iPod or movie screen, the actual artifacts that he played and composed with are harder to catch sight of up close—unless you're in New Orleans in the coming months. 

That's because, starting tomorrow, July 30th, the Louisiana State Museum will be exhibiting some of those instruments—along with personal notes, photos, audio recordings, and more—in a new exhibition called "Satchmo: His Life in New Orleans."

Greg Lambousy is the director of exhibits for the Louisiana State Museum. He gives us an idea of what else we'll hear and see at the exhibition.