Jonathan Tasini, Labor Activist and President of the Economic Future Group, discusses his new biography of Senator Bernie Sanders - The Essential Bernie Sanders and His Vision for America (Chelsea Green Publishing, 2015) - and explains how the Vermont Senator's path to victory is possible: "In his authenticity, his views are America's views".
Call 212-433-9692 to talk about #BernieSanders with @jonathantasini. (Remember him? He ran against Clinton in 2006.) pic.twitter.com/n71Yceq28b
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) September 10, 2015
The #berniebook #feelthebern & @BrianLehrer abt to start. Listen in! http://t.co/pTMrM3nNNo looking good Brian pic.twitter.com/fH5lSxMiVR
— Jonathan Tasini (@jonathantasini) September 10, 2015
@BrianLehrer HRC's Iran statement sounds hawkish compared to Sanders'. She's trying to have it both ways on this issue.
— Virginia Rietz (@ginzinger) September 10, 2015
@brianlehrer guest is right. Most of the public agrees with Bernie Sanders' Message, despite what you hear http://t.co/gIpxvFcSZD
— JulieLeiningerPycior (@JulieLeiningerP) September 10, 2015
.@globalgrl8 You mean this @TheDailyShow Jon Stewart rant (one of his last)? Interesting connection. http://t.co/LixTvy7UpW
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) September 10, 2015