It's Mother's Day Weekend! We talk about some of the things happening around the city such as the African Film Festival, the Tony-nominated musical Stereophonic, and the Kelly Reichardt career retrospective at the Metrograph. Listeners also share their recommendations for activities and events to participate in over the weekend.
This segment is guest-hosted by Kousha Navidar.
[MUSIC- Luscious Jackson: Citysong]
Kousha Navidar: This is All Of It. I'm Kousha Navidar, in for Alison Stewart, and welcome back to the show. Listeners, I have been so busy planning and executing my wedding, which was this past weekend, that I seem to have lost the ability to plan for any other future weekend like this one coming up. Hey, can you help me out by sharing some of your plans for this weekend, which, by the way, is Mother's Day? Give us a call. We're at 212-433-9692, to help me out. More importantly, your fellow listeners, help them figure out some fun ways to spend the precious hours between Friday Happy Hour and the Sunday Scaries. 212-433-9692. That's 212-433-9692.
One of the things I'm doing this weekend is going to see the new revival of Cabaret, starring Eddie Redmayne, to get ready to talk to him and some other stars of it on All Of It next Thursday. Also on Thursday, we're going to have Nick Offerman stop by with his friend, Helen Rebanks, to talk about her new memoir called The Farmer's Wife. On Tuesday, we'll talk with author, John Green, about the new film adaptation of his acclaimed book, Turtles All the Way Down, along with the film's director. We'll talk about the new comedy movie, Babes, starring Michelle Buteau and Ilana Glazer, who also wrote the film. They'll be here in studio to talk about that, along with director, Pamela Adlon. That's all coming up on next week's show. Before that, we've got the weekend to plan.
[MUSIC- Luscious Jackson: You and Me]
Kousha Navidar: In our last hour, we heard about the new action movie, The Fall Guy, and a new exhibit from LaToya Ruby Frazier, both things that would be great to check out over the weekend. As many of you may know, last weekend, like I mentioned, I was in New Orleans to get married. It went well. Thank you for asking. This weekend, I'm planning, frankly, to sleep. At one point, I will drag myself out into the world, probably to take a walk in Prospect Park, and I'll be lucky enough to go see Cabaret with Eddie Redmayne and Gayle Rankin, so yes, I will have to put on pants at least a couple times this weekend.
It's also Mother's Day weekend so while I've got you, I wanted not only to shout out my mom, but wanted to give you a chance to shout out yours as well. 212-433-WNYC. That's 212-433-9692. Listeners, I want you to give us a call or text and let us know what you're doing this weekend with mom. Shout out your mom. What have you seen or read or heard lately that you'd like to recommend to your fellow listeners if they're looking for something to do or hey, gifts to give? We're all here together. Let's pass some ideas around.
Give us a call. Send us a text. We're at 212-433-WNYC. That's 212-433-9692 or you can give us a call or you can tweet us or DM us on Instagram or on X. We're @allofitwnyc.
We've got a caller. Let's just dive right into it. Denise from Courtland Manor, New York. Hey, Denise, what are your plans this weekend?
Denise: Hey, congratulations on your wedding.
Kousha Navidar: Thank you.
Denise: Both my kids live in LA, and I'm in New York, so we can't be together for Mother's Day. Tomorrow, my husband and I are going on a hot air balloon ride that our son and his new wife just gave us as a gift. Then Sunday, we're going to Marcus Samuelson's Red Rooster for a gospel brunch that I planned because I wanted to give that to myself.
Kousha Navidar: Oh, that's wonderful. Those are great plans. Can I ask you, so you said your son gave you tickets to the hot air balloon ride, did not gift you a hot air balloon.
Denise: No, no. [laughter] We're going to the site. I've never done this before, neither has my husband. We're going to the site at this airport, this airfield. Then, God willing, it'll be a lot of fun and exciting.
Kousha Navidar: Can you repeat, where is it that you're going for this hot air balloon excursion?
Denise: It's called Above the Clouds, and it's in Middletown, New York, at Randall Airport so that's a nice plug for them.
Kousha Navidar: That's a wonderful plug. What are you most excited about when you think about going into the hot air balloon? Is it the act of being in it or the vista that you're going to see? Anything in particular that you're excited about?
Denise: Vista sounds good. I'm not great with heights, so I'm hoping that I'll just be very calm. I've done the parasailing once before down in Florida, so I've had that experience. I'm not scared. I'm excited, but nervous.
Kousha Navidar: Sure. Can you tell me, what's a gospel brunch? I'm not familiar with that.
Denise: Oh, well, from what I understand, because I wanted to go for a long time, you go, you eat brunch, and then a choir sings gospel music. Marcus Hamilton is a very highly regarded chef, and this is his place.
Kousha Navidar: Wonderful.
Denise: I'm really looking forward to that.
Kousha Navidar: That sounds like a really fun weekend. One thing that's good is that you said you're going in the hot air balloon tomorrow, right? Okay, so I think the weather should hold out for you, hopefully.
Denise: We were supposed to go today, and we rescheduled. We were able-- Carpe diem. We're going tomorrow.
Kousha Navidar: Carpe diem. Up in the sky. Hot air balloon. Go up. Denise, thank you so much. Thank you. Happy Mother's Day ahead of time. Wonderful to hear about those cool plans.
Denise: All the wonderful mothers out there. Lots of love. Thank you. Bye.
Kousha Navidar: Bye-bye. Listeners, if you've got plans on a hot air balloon as well, give us a call, or if you've got ways that you're going to celebrate your mom, give us a call as well. Call us, text us. We're at 212-433-WNYC. That's 212-433-9692. You can call us, you can text us.
ou can also tweet us or send us a DM on Instagram. Our social handles are @allofitwnyc. We're talking about what are some fun ways you're going to spend the weekend. If they include mom and your plans, or you want advice, or you have some ideas about gifts to give to mom, we're here for that, too. 212-433-WNYC. That's 212-433-9692.
While we wait to hear from you all, let's hear a bit about what team All Of It is up to this weekend. We'll start with producer L. Malik Anderson, who's going to be visiting Poster House in Chelsea for free Fridays to see a show called Wonder City of the World: New York City Travel Posters. That sounds really cool. L. Malik is also stopping by some of the pop-ups for the sixth installment of the Made in New York City Festival.
We've also got senior producer Kate Hinds, who is going to go birding. That will be a no surprise to anyone, especially not long-time listeners of the show. Kate's also going to the Renegade Craft Fair, which is a leading showcase of independent craft and design. That's happening at the Metropolitan Pavilion on May 11th and 12th, so Saturday and Sunday. We've got another caller here, Dustin from Chelsea. Hey, Dustin, welcome to the show.
Dustin: Thank you so much for having me. Anyway, congratulations on your marriage. It's wonderful.
Kousha Navidar: Thank you very much. What are your plans this weekend?
Dustin: Well, I just wanted to say happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful mothers out there. My name is Dustin Pittman, and I have an exhibit at the Roxy Hotel in Tribeca. It's a photograph exhibit, and it's called New York Glamor, and it's featuring a lot of the glamorous New York nightlife, celebrities and people, uptown and downtown, Truman Capote, Liz Taylor, Liza Minnelli, all different celebrities are in the show. It would be a great place to take your mom or your loved one, your partner, to see the exhibit and to have an incredible meal, breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and lounge in the tune of live jazz music, and it's all free.
Kousha Navidar: That's really wonderful. Can you tell me a little bit more about the photos? What style photography is it, and how are you capturing these celebrities?
Dustin: Well, I've been photographing for almost six decades. There's a lot of photographs in the '70s and the '80s, and in the '90s. A lot of photographs from Studio 54, the early Met Gala's, Jacky O, a lot of different-- it's a beautiful exhibit. It's history that it's wonderful to be remembered and recorded and to savor.
Kousha Navidar: Can you just remind us one more time, put in a plug, where is it? When is it?
Dustin: My name is Dustin Pittman. I'm a photographer, filmmaker, and it's at the Roxy Hotel in Tribeca, which is two blocks south of Canal Street in New York City. It's on now. It's a great place to go and to relax and just chill out.
Kousha Navidar: Wonderful. Our team just pulled up from one of your photos with Supermodel Naomi Campbell from 1993, so we're looking at it right now. Thank you so much for calling in, Dustin.
Dustin: Oh, that's too funny.
Kousha Navidar: Thank you so much.
Dustin: My pleasure. Congratulations again on your marriage.
Kousha Navidar: Thank you. I appreciate that. Folks, we're talking about weekend plans, Mother's Day plans, maybe Mother's Day gift ideas, if you have them. We're at 2124-433-9692. That's 212-433-WNYC. Call us, text us, we would love to hear what your plans are for the weekend. Maybe help me figure out my weekend plans when I'm not sleeping this weekend after having a marriage the weekend before. Let's go to Marilyn in Chelsea. Hey, Marilyn, welcome to the show.
Marilyn: Hey Kousha, thank you for welcoming me to it. I'm calling with a gift idea for Mother's Day. My siblings and I, the three of us live in three different continents and we all have taken a picture of ourselves holding a sign. I hold Happy in New York, my brother holds Mother's in Hong Kong, my sister holds Day in Holland. We made an electronic card of those three pictures for her. I think we've established a new tradition for Mother's Day.
Kousha Navidar: Oh, that's beautiful. It's Hong Kong, Holland, and New York here, is that right? Did I get those three cities right?
Marilyn: Exactly.
Kousha Navidar: Where does your mother live?
Marilyn: She lives in Holland.
Kousha Navidar: Oh, got it. Wonderful.
Marilyn: [unintelligible 00:11:16] pushing her far away [unintelligible 00:11:17].
Kousha Navidar: Who puts together the pictures? Is there a Photoshop guru in your family?
Marilyn: Yes, that's my sister who uses a site for such cards. Unfortunately, it's a Dutch site. I'd be happy to put it in a chat if anybody wants to use this idea.
Kousha Navidar: I love that idea of bringing people together even when the distance puts you far away. It's a great idea because it probably takes some work, but not a lot of cash to do it. It's really the thought that counts there, and I think that's beautiful. Marilyn, thank you so much for calling.
Marilyn: My great pleasure, thanks.
Kousha Navidar: Folks we're talking about we can plan ideas and we're talking about maybe Mother's Day plan ideas. We're at 212-433-9692. That's 212-433-WNYC. We've got Lars from Windsor Terrace on the line. Hey, Lars. Welcome to the show.
Lars: Hi. Happy Mother's Day. I was just calling up because every year I give my mother a gift certificate to the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya. What they are is amongst other things, they're an orphaned elephants who lost their parents to poachers. It's a great organization that uses local people to help just keep the elephant population safe and healthy, and they also do advocacy as well. Every year, I give honorary adoption to my mother, who gets then newsletters and updates about the elephant that's been adopted in her name.
Kousha Navidar: Oh, that's wonderful. Is it a different elephant every year that you adopt?
Lars: You can continue adopting the same one. I think my mother's had the same one for a while, and that they had different progress, and they eventually release into the wild, into preserves, and that kind of thing. It's a really good organization, and it's something that gives throughout the year. For something my mother doesn't need much, it's something that really gives her a lot of joy.
Kousha Navidar: Oh, that's wonderful. Out of curiosity, does your mother love elephants, favorite animal, or is it just an organization you care a lot about?
Lars: No, it's just an organization we care a lot about. She likes animals, but I think that it's actually increased her interest in what's going on with elephants. There are keystone species in a lot of areas that are endangered in Africa, and it's really raise your awareness about what's going on over there.
Kousha Navidar: Do you remember the name of the latest elephant that you adopted?
Lars: Oh, gosh, no, I don't remember. No, I don't. It's a Swahili name, and I don't remember off the top of my head.
Kousha Navidar: Like Dumbo taught us an elephant never forgets its mother, at least. Sorry, I had to plug that in there. Great Disney movie. Lars, thank you so much. That is a wonderful idea of a way to celebrate mom, to celebrate nature, help protect it.
Folks, we got to go to a quick break, but when we come back, we're going to take more of your calls and your texts. In fact, there's one text right here I just want to read real quick before we break. It says, "Cleaning my apartment. Will be wild. Joe in Brooklyn." Joe, I feel you. I need to clean my apartment myself after leaving it to go to New Orleans.
If you listening right now have good plans for this weekend or you want some advice for what to do this weekend, especially for Mother's Day, give us a call, send us a text. We're at 212-433-9692. That's 212-433-WNYC. We're taking your calls about weekend plans. We're sharing the love on Mother's Day. We're at 212-433-9692. That's 212-433-WNYC. When we come back, more calls, more weekend plans. This is All Of It. Stay with us.
Kousha Navidar: This is All Of It on WNYC. I'm Kousha Navidar, in for Alison Stewart, and we are talking about weekend plans. Listeners, give us a call or text and let us know what you're doing this weekend, or what have you seen, or read, or heard lately that maybe you want to recommend to us and to your fellow listeners. We're at 212-433-WNYC. That's 212-433-9692. You can call us, you can text us, or you can tweet us or send us a DM on our socials. We're @allofitwnyc.
Hey, is anyone else out there getting married this weekend, maybe? We would love to know. Does anyone have any good plans for how to celebrate mom this Sunday, even if it's rainy? How are you going to show the love? Give us a call, send us a text. We're at 212-433-9692.
Here's what we're doing on Team All Of It. Senior producer, Andrea Duncan-Mao, will be celebrating her son's 16th birthday. Happy early birthday, though he'll probably be more interested in celebrating with friends. Andrea's words, not mine, but it's always a special weekend in her household as 16 years ago, he was born on Mother's Day. That's so cool. Andrea's family is taking her to Mother's Day brunch at Crave Fish Bar on the Upper West Side. She's sending her mom some rhubarb seeds for her garden and some brioches from Levine Bakery.
Someone else with a green thumb is producer Zach Gottehrer-Cohen, who will be spending the weekend with their mom, gardening. If you've got plans to garden with your mom, maybe you're going out to brunch somewhere, maybe you're going to go take a walk outside with an umbrella in the park, give us a call, send us a text. Tell us what your plans are. 212-433-9692. We've got Dan from Great Neck on the line. Hey, Dan. Welcome to the show.
Dan: Hi. Nice to talk to you.
Kousha Navidar: Nice to talk to you, too. What are your plans this weekend?
Dan: I'm a president of an organization. We're having concerts this weekend in the city, great for Mother's Day. Both Saturday and Sunday, we have a concert at 8:00 and a concert at 6:00 for Mother's Day. It's the New Conductors Orchestra. We feature new conductors that are trying to rise through the ranks, and also new composers. It's a great orchestra, civic orchestra that does some terrific stuff.
This program has Bernstein on it and Brahms and Kurtág and Walton and Puts, a marimba concerto. It's going to be a really terrific show. It's at the Good Shepherd Church right next to Juilliard on West 66th Street, eight o'clock on Saturday, six o'clock on Sunday. I tell you what, if you show that you brought your mother, I will pay for the mother's ticket. How's that sound?
Kousha Navidar: Oh, that is such a wonderful gesture. That's wonderful. Where can folks go to find out more about this concert?
Dan: They can go to It'll have all the ticket information and times and showtimes, and all of the conductors and the briefs of the conductors. We've been doing this for about five years now. We've put a lot of new conductors through the program and they've really enjoyed it, and the crowds really like it too.
Kousha Navidar: That's great. Dan, since you put it out there, I just want to follow up on it. Let's say somebody does come with mom. How should they let you know that they are there with mom?
Dan: Go right at the door and tell the people who are taking the tickets, I'm here with my mother. I'm going to pay for me and Dan said he was going to pay for my mother. I will tell the people at the door that that's exactly what I'm going to do.
Kousha Navidar: Dan, that is the definition of spreading the love on Mother's Day. We so appreciate you calling in. Best of luck with the concert. That marimba concerto sounds really cool. Listeners, if you end up going to this concert, hit us up on social. Let us know how it was. Take a picture. Tag us. We're @allofitwnyc. Dan, thanks so much for calling. Really appreciate it. We've got Maria on the Lower East Side. Hey, Maria, welcome to the show.
Marja: Hello there. Actually, my name is Marja. It's a Dutch name.
Kousha Navidar: Oh, Marja. I'm sorry, Marja.
Marja: No problem at all. It's good to be here with you. I'm actually preparing some things for Mother's Day. I used to have a restaurant called The Kitchen Club & Chibi's Bar. For a while now, I've been making special wafers that I call Chibi's Wafers. I'm on Instagram and I was planning to have them ready to pick up for some people in our community garden. We have a community garden called the Children's Magical Garden in the Lower East Side. That's what I'm planning to do.
Kousha Navidar: When did you get the idea to do that, Marja?
Marja: Actually, I've been working on publicizing this new effort. I just thought since Mother's Day, I haven't gotten any particular plans of what can I do to add something to the neighborhood and let people know what I'm up to and meet some new people. I just thought it last minute and decided to do it.
Kousha Navidar: Wonderful. Thank you so much for that idea. Thank you for calling in. We really appreciate it. Folks, we are talking about weekend plans. We're at 212-433-9692. That's 212-433-WNYC. How are you spending the weekend? How are you going to celebrate mom? What gift ideas do you have for mom? How are you just going to make this weekend the definition of carpe diem, or I guess carpe weekend, however that is in Latin. I'm not sure. Give us a call. Send us a text. We're at 212-433-9692.
We have a bunch of texts coming in. I'm going to read them. We've got a text saying, "Celebrating Mother's Day early on Saturday by going to brunch at Greenwich Hotel at Locanda Verde." Wonderful. Another text that says, "Giving mom a massage from Opal Massage and Allied Therapies, the best gift ever." I would also like a massage. I might be looking into that this weekend myself. We danced pretty hard at my wedding. I could use a foot rub for a little bit.
We've got another text, "Hi. I'm going to see Alvin Ailey at NJPAC in Newark for Mother's Day." I've wanted to bring my family since seeing them once years ago and can't wait. I've got another one that says, "I'm going to participate in a brunch with moms from a shelter with Knock Knock Give a Sock. It pairs housed and unhoused mothers to share a lovely brunch." That is lovely. Thank you so much for those texts. Keep them coming in.
I just got a message here from our producer that carpe volutpat vestibulum means seize the weekend, according to Google at least. Zack, thanks for that call out. Let's go to Claudia in Brooklyn. Hey, Claudia, what are your plans for this weekend?
Claudia: Hi. My mom's not around anymore, but her favorite meal was eggplant parmesan, and her favorite TV series was Foyle's War. I'm going to eat eggplant parmesan and watch Foyle's War, and she's from Brooklyn, so I'm in Brooklyn thinking about her.
Kousha Navidar: Oh, wonderful. Have you been making eggplant parm a lot over the years? Is it a super secret recipe that you've got?
Claudia: I've got to be honest. I'm ordering it from somewhere that makes a really good eggplant parmesan.
Kousha Navidar: Hey, that's great too.
Claudia: I'm not making it myself.
Kousha Navidar: That's great too.
Claudia: She used to cook it. That was her specialty. I'm going to order it from a restaurant.
Kousha Navidar: Claudia, there is no shame in letting the people who are experts do the cooking. I totally respect that. Do you know where you're getting it from?
Claudia: Yes, a place called Delmar in Sheepshead Bay. It's really a pizzeria, but they also have lots of entrees and they're really, really good. They make their own sauces and it's a great place-
Kousha Navidar: Well, shout out to them.
Claudia: -on Sheepshead Bay Road.
Kousha Navidar: On Sheepshead Bay Road.
Claudia: Yes. Great Pizza too.
Kousha Navidar: Hey, Claudia, it's great to commemorate your mom in that way. I hope the weekend is super relaxing for you and that you've got a full belly. Sounds great. Let's go to Jess in Brooklyn. Hey, Jess. Welcome to the show.
Jess: Hi. This weekend, I am going to be heading to Ridgewood to watch the next game at Gottscheer Hall and eat some German food. Then, from there, going to Stone Circle Theater to see a great band, YHWH Nailgun.
Kousha Navidar: Oh, that's wonderful. Are you a big Knicks fan?
Jess: Honestly, I'm pretty agnostic. I cheer for whoever is winning and who my friends are excited for [laughs].
Kousha Navidar: Got it. Are you going with friends and this is what they want to go do?
Jess: Yes.
Kousha Navidar: I got that. I have been there. I have done that and I respect it. It's all about going there and having fun. Jess, thank you so much for that call. We've also got Rachel in Middlebury, Connecticut. Hey, Rachel. Welcome to the show.
Rachel: Hey. Thanks for having me. I wanted to recommend an activity for people who are far away from their mothers or their friends who mother them. Jessica Marquez of Miniature Rhino is having a mini quilt class tomorrow May 11th online. You can make a little miniature quilt with scraps together in an online class. It's a bonding stitching experience.
Kousha Navidar: Oh, that's wonderful. Where can people go to find out more about that class?
Rachel: They can go to her website
Rachel: Wonderful. Thank you so much, Rachel. Some of these calls, I think have brought up a pretty important fact that Mother's Day can potentially be a sad day for a lot of folks if maybe your mom isn't around or maybe if you have some challenges related to celebrating mom for other reasons.
Hey, if you out there are honoring your mom who isn't there in a specific way, we'd love to hear from you as well. Give us a call. Send us a text. Let us know how you are making the most of Mother's Day, even if maybe Mom isn't around anymore. We're at 212-433-9692. That's 212-433-WNYC. Call us, text us, send us a direct message on Instagram or on Twitter. We're @allofitwnyc.
Some more texts are coming in that I'm going to read. The first one says, "Take your mom to see the Brooklyn Museum's Paul McCartney photography exhibit, especially if she was a teeny bopper during those early years of Beatlemania." This is from Tom O'Hara in Shirley, Long Island. Thank you so much for that.
Got another one, "We will be attending Big Easy on the in the Hudson in Croton-on-Hudson. There will be live blues and jazz music, food, and drinks." Thank you so much for that. Seems like even upstate, if you consider that upstate, that there are plenty of ways that you can enjoy the weekend and celebrate mom. We've got Sue in Manhattan on the line. Hey, Sue. Welcome to the show.
Sue: Thank you very much. One thing we are definitely doing on Mother's Day is we are going to see the Hello Girls about American telephone operators who were instrumental in helping the Allies win the war in World War I at Symphony Space. It's a superb show. We saw it years ago and we can't wait to see it again.
We're also going to see the-- This is a really interesting play. We're going to see this on Saturday, The Brief Life and Mysterious Death of King Boris III, King of Bulgaria at 59 East 59th. I've seen it already, but we're going to go see it again. It's a small musical with a very tiny company. One of the directors is Bulgarian and it is about how Boris III saved the 50,000 Jews in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Jews, from the Nazis. It's amazing. It's an amazing show, incredibly well-researched. As I say, both things we've seen before and I cannot recommend either of them highly enough.
Kousha Navidar: So good you came back for seconds. I love that. Thanks so much. I really appreciate you calling in.
Sue: Thank you.
Kousha Navidar: Let's go to Samantha in Bed-Stuy. Hey, Samantha. Welcome to the show. What are your weekend plans?
Samantha: Hi. Thanks for having me on.
Kousha Navidar: Absolutely. Tell us about your plans.
Samantha: Okay. I own a restaurant here in Bed-Stuy, so I'll be working for Mother's Day. My mom lives here with us. She's making dinner for my cousin who's visiting and my wife who is-- This is going to be her first Mother's Day without her mom. I did want to tell everyone, please go out and support small businesses on Mother's Day, if you are able.
Kousha Navidar: Is there a specific way that you're going to support her this Mother's Day? I know that can be very difficult.
Samantha: Yes. Like I said, I have to work mostly the whole day because it's a busy day for restaurants, hopefully, anyway. I'm going to buy her some flowers tomorrow. I'm going to give some to my mom and then some to my wife and just ask everyone to be thankful who still has their moms.
Kousha Navidar: That's lovely. Samantha, what's your restaurant's name?
Samantha: It's called Mama Fox in Bed-Stuy.
Kousha Navidar: Mama Fox, wonderful. How perfect for the weekend. Thank you so much for calling. I really appreciate it.
Samantha: Thanks.
Kousha Navidar: We've got some more texts that I want to read quickly before we wrap up here. This is a DM from Instagram. Let's read this one, "Every day is Mother's Day because I'm a 30-something millennial who lives with my mom. One of the best gifts I've given to my mom is canvas prints of pictures I took on my phone of the George Washington Bridge from Google Photos. As for weekend plans, I'm going to IFC Center tonight to see Gasoline Rainbow. Also, I am going to marching in the Ecological City in the Lower East Side. I also got invited to my cousin's baby shower, but that's a tight squeeze. Anyway, congrats on the marriage."
Thank you so much for that. That is a lot of good weekend plans. That is inspiring, a 30-something millennial showing it up. I as a 30-something millennial am sleeping. Everybody, we all contain multitudes.
Now, another text that we've got here, "On Mother's Day, my brother and I will be making a roast chicken dinner for our mom. Nothing wild, but it's what she wants. At the age of 85, she gets what she wants." That is a beautiful sentiment and I think that's a good message to go out on.
Hey, listeners, if you've got plans or if you've got ideas for how to celebrate mom, do this for us. Send us a text or send us a DM or tweet us @allofitwnyc and let us know. Maybe we can highlight some more on our channels this weekend. All right.
Looking ahead, we are going to talk about the Public Song Project because coming up after a break, WNYC's Public Song Project is closing for submissions on Sunday. We'll talk with producers Simon Close and Zack Gottehrer-Cohen, about how to submit, how to think about adapting old works, and why this particular branch of intellectual property law is actually super exciting. Stick around. More All Of It is on the way.
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