Neurosis of Childhood

This episode is from the WNYC archives. It may contain language which is no longer politically or socially appropriate.

A discussion of neurosis during childhood, at times the result human child's total dependence on adults.

Temperament is a property of the newborn infant that cannot be accounted for, however all infants have some physical and psychological commonalities. Namely, the dependence on others to survive.
Lack of comprehension of limits can lead to neurosis. Personal relationships help the human child learn of limits and mutual relationships. Parents are vital in helping the child find his real self. It is important that children aren't coddled and allowed to do for themselves. Some parents make the mistake of isolating their child. The growing child needs relationships.
The violent parent may also engender neurosis. Aggression in parents may produce a "weakling" child.
Other complaints include a lack of interest on the part of the father. Discussion of troubled sons and their fathers.

Discussion of children who are pressed into chores or work if there is economic strain, causing them to miss out on play and extracurricular activity. Speaker goes on to note that children develop strategies to deal with strain.

Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection

WNYC archives id: 69382
Municipal archives id: LT660