NYPD and Homeland Security Stage Active Shooter Drill

Emergency responders stage a counter-terrorism drill in an abandoned lower Manhattan subway station.

New York City first responders staged a counter-terrorism drill Sunday morning, just over a week after deadly terror attacks in Paris.

The active shooter scenario was staged in an abandoned subway station in lower Manhattan.

Mayor Bill de Blasio said it showed the city is "fundamentally prepared" and is working closely with federal authorities to strengthen the city's counter-terrorism capabilities.

"This is how we defeat terrorism; with this kind of cooperation and this kind of teamwork," he said.

Police Commissioner William Bratton said the NYPD coordinated the exercise with the Department of Homeland Security.

Bratton said such exercises "are vitally necessary" and provide lessons for emergency responders.

The drill had been planned for some time but got a last-minute update after the Paris attacks. Officials added an attacker wearing a suicide vest.