Sad Sidekick Christie and 3rd Party Candidates

"Mister Trump" is on the tip of everyone's tongue, as the country collectively exhales after Super Tuesday results settle.
Gail Collins, New York Times op-ed columnist and the author of As Texas Goes...: How the Lone Star State Hijacked the American Agenda (Liveright, 2013), wrote about the Republican race in her most recent column.
Collins said if Donald Trump becomes the Republican nominee, he'll probably scare so many people that a lot of Republicans would head to the polls for Clinton rather than cast a Trump vote.
If you tend to vote Republican, would you rather vote for a 3rd party Republican than for Trump/the Democratic nominee? ☎️ 212-433-9692
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) March 3, 2016
@BrianLehrer @nytimescollins Yes, I would absolutely rather vote for a third party GOP candidate over Trump or Clinton.
— Stephen P. Maher (@StepMaher) March 3, 2016
@BrianLehrer Absolutely! Since @RandPaul suspended his campaign, and @JohnKasich isnt getting any traction, I'm all in for @GovGaryJohnson
— William J. Clifford (@Will_Dot_Com) March 3, 2016
@BrianLehrer Introducing a 3rd party (the LibDems) broke decades of logjam in the UK. It could be the best thing to happen to the USA
— Jay Shapiro (@J_Shapiro) March 3, 2016