Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru

Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in  1946.

This episode is from the WNYC archives. It may contain language which is no longer politically or socially appropriate.

Nehru's speech on the occasion of a reception hosted by John Foster Dulles. He discusses democracy and elections in India.

He was given a bust of President LIncoln as a gift from an American official. He gets strength from it every day.

General elections in India five years earlier, ensured to be free and impartial.

India has preached and practice tolerance and understanding and influenced philosophy and religion. Travel across the world as messengers of peace and engaged in the commerce of ideas.

Won independence 9 years earlier in a bloodless revolution. Children of this revolution and have been conditioned by it.

Earnestly desirous of eliminating poverty and giving full and equal opportunity of advancement.

American people possess great energy, dynamism, and the passion to march ahead.

Asia today is resurgent. Strive towards new ideals. To them, as to us, independence is vital and colonialism anywhere is abhorrent.

In this atomic age, peace has become a test of human survival.

Tragedies in Egypt and Hungary.

Through the free exchange of ideas and trade, each nation can learn from the other and truth will prevail.

The danger of war is not passed, and the future may hold new trials and tribulations.

Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection

WNYC archives id: 69217
Municipal archives id: LT414