Reforms at Rikers Often Blocked by Union President

Norman Seabrook at the downtown offices of the Correction Officers Benevolent Association. The powerful union leader goes to great lengths to defend his members.

A new investigation from The New York Times details how efforts to reform the troubled Rikers jail complex have, at times, been undermined by Norman Seabrook, the powerful and influential president of the Correction Officers' Benevolent Association which represents all 9,000 correction workers New York City jails.

"He has power and influence seem to go well beyond his responsibility in the union," said New York Times reporter Michael Schwirtz. "He speaks to mayors, he has influence in Albany enough to get bills that he proposes rushed through without much opposition, he has consulted with commissioners about appointments to high ranking positions, so he's basically everywhere in the department of correction and beyond."

Michael Schwirtz spoke with WNYC's Soterios Johnson.