School Size - Does it Really Matter?

Many of the new small schools in New York City are having more success preparing students for high school graduation, college and careers than traditional large high schools. But these schools often lack what adults today recall as the highlights of their high school days: extracurricular activities, school plays, sports teams, advanced placement classes, not to mention experienced teachers.

Yet recent research supports the Bloomberg administration's approach to breaking up comprehensive high schools into smaller options. How can large zoned high schools keep a place for themselves in the city’s ambitious school system? Equally, how can small schools provide the wide spectrum of activities that enrich students’ lives and create community?

Read responses from Constancia Warren, James Kemple, Rebecca Unterman, Deirdre DeAngelis-D'Alessio, Shael Polakow-Suransky, JD Hoye and Joe Luft.

And join the debate. On Wednesday, SchoolBook will host the next Twitter chat organized by the Education Funders Research Initiative, a project of Philanthropy New York.