Should New York Hold a Convention to Amend the State Constitution?

Live from The Greene Space.

Intelligence Squared-U.S. visits The Brian Lehrer Show with an Oxford-style debate on the decision facing New York voters in November. Listen and vote for the most persuasive team.

The proposition is to hold a constitutional convention to "fix" the state constitution.

Arguing in favor:  Gerald Benjamin, associate vice president for regional engagement and director of the Center for Research, Regional Education and Outreach (CRREO) at SUNY New Paltz and an editor of New York's Broken Constitution: The Governance Crisis and the Path to Renewed Greatness, and New York State Senator Liz Krueger (D, WF-Manhattan, 28th district)

Arguing against: Adriene Holder, attorney-in-charge of the civil practice of The Legal Aid Society, and Henry Garrido, executive director of District Council 37, the municipal employees' union.