This Pride Month, in light of the increase in book banning around the nation, particularly of books featuring LGBTQIA+ characters or themes, All Of It spent the month spotlighting authors of these frequently challenged books.
First we spoke to George M. Johnson, author of the acclaimed young adult memoir, All Boys Aren't Blue. According to the American Library Association, the book was the second most banned title of 2022.
Then we spoke with Alex Gino, author of the commonly banned book, Melissa, about a young trans girl in elementary school. We spoke with Gino about the book, book banning, and their upcoming novel, Green.
Up next Mike Curato, author of the graphic novel, Flamer, joined us to talk about the book. It's a novel about a young boy at Boy Scout Camp bullied for being gay. According to the American Library Association, it was one of the most challenged books of 2022.
And finally, we welcomed Juno Dawson, author of This Book Is Gay, which was the tenth most challenged book of 2022 according to the American Library Association. She joined us to discuss the book and her new picture book, You Need to Chill!:A Story of Love and Family.
Listen to all of those conversations below!