Swearing in of Alonzo Yerby

New York Mayor Robert F. Wagner at the dedication of the new home of the Fashion Institute of Technology on May 4, 1959.

Swearing in of Dr. Alonzo S. Yerby as Commissioner of Hospitals by Mayor Wagner. He is the first African-American to head the department.

Wagner talks about Dr. Yerby's merits, including humaneness, and introduces former Commissioner of Hospitals Dr. Ray Trussell.

Trussell talks about problems when he came in as Commissioner. The Mayor has supported the department and the need to move forward. Praises Yerby's accomplishments.He says Yerby is an outstanding doctor in the U.S. regarding public care. Yerby was close to being taken by health professionals in D.C. Jokes about his going to Harvard rather than Columbia U. He's gone over all the things he did not get done with Yerby. Wishes him the best. The Mayor also announces that Dr. Trussell has agreed to serve as a non-salaried consultant to the Board of Hospitals.

Mayor Wagner introduces Monsenior Frawley as President of New York Hospital Association.

Frawley talks about the relations between Municipal Hospitals and Voluntary Hospitals. He praises Trussell's accomplishments and congratulates and blesses Dr. Yerby.

Mayor Wagner introduces columnist Dr. Howard Rusk.

Dr. Rusk praises Dr. Yerby saying he has all the necessary ingredients in his character. Under his leadership Dr. Yerby will carry on a tradition.

Mayor Wagner introduces Dr. George Baer.

Dr. Baer begins by talking about the Mayor and former Mayors. He has served four successive mayors on the Board of Hospitals. No previous mayor has been as dedicated as Wagner has been. (Starts to say La Guardia - and crowd laughs) "Your selection of Commissioner of Hospitals, who raised the standards of medical care....In four years a miracle has been created." The new Commissioner must hold the line. We will continue to need Mayor Wagner and Dr. Trussell in supporting the new commissioner. The new Medicare program will revolutionize medical services. And Yerby will be needed because of his experience with these kinds of programs.

Mayor Wagner introduces Dr. Ames McGinness.

Dr. McGinness represents Dr. Howard Craig of the NY Academy of Medicine. Congrats to Dr. Yerby. He says he is confident in Yerby's selection and the Academy's resources are at your disposal.

Mayor Wagner introduces a "charming young lady," Mrs. Max Askelly. of the Citizens Committee for Children.

(Begins off-mike) Mrs. Askelly talks about going to D.C. with Dr. Yerby to lobby for changes to the Medicare bill and which the Citizens Committee for Children also felt were important. "We ran around like mad things from one Senator to another." Dr. Yerby was clear and concise; they still need to see Senator Long. The city should be congratulated for Dr. Yerby's selection.

Mayor Wagner reads a positive letter by a Mrs. R. Wilson of Brooklyn to columnist Sid Fields of the NY Daily News after reading a profile of Dr. Yerby. Wagner sums up.

Dr. Yerby speaks. He says it is now almost thirty years since the Dept of Hospitals celebrated the 200th year since the establishment of the municipal hospital system. Significant accomplishments since then. In addition to preventative care, research and rehab have been integrated into the system. Challenges faced. Hospitals exist to serve people. Hospitals will become a campaign issue. But we cannot afford to grandstand.

Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection

WNYC archives id: 150569
Municipal archives id: T1269