Thomas Wilfred and the Music of Light

In 1968, pioneering artist, musician, and inventor Thomas Wilfred sat down with Patricia Marx at the WNYC studios to discuss his life and work. Wilfred died about a month before this program aired on WNYC.
Thomas Wilfred was the inventor of the Clavilux, a device that operated much like a pipe organ, but instead of emitting sounds, the operator could slide keys to cast color projections on a screen. Debuting in the 1920s, Wilfred's machine and accompanying color 'conversations' have had a lasting influence on artists working today. Remember Terrance Malick's Tree of Life? Wilfred's Opus 161 was used during key moments in the film.
I also had to make a living. I found out I had a good baritone voice and I liked old songs. So I found a lute...and I began to practice and sing unusual old songs to the lute and that took and I made money on it. So I would go out through winter and sing until I had funds enough, then spend the summer experimenting until I went broke then go back and sing some more.
After years of performing, Wilfred gave up music up to fully commit to building his light machines. In 1919, he constructed a laboratory in Huntington, NY and for the next six years he developed an instrument from which one could 'play' light, controlling its form and motion using a keyboard-like console. His first public performance was in New York and Wilfred compared it to a Bach fugue: the forms were rigid in composition, rather uniform in movement, and he played from a strict set notations that resembled a classical score. Later on, Wilfred would loosen up his performances by allowing a more improvisational style.
These light performances were rooted in Wilfred's well-considered artistic conceits. He had studied traditional art earlier in life but was ultimately unconvinced that practices like painting and sculpture had the ability to capture the essence, beauty, and nature of light. Wilfred came to the conclusion that it was impossible to depict or represent light though any medium that doesn't employ light itself. "Because light moves", Wilfred said, "it becomes necessary to create art where movement is at its core and a necessarily dimension or factor where light is the subject for consideration."

While large public performances of the Clavilux became a regular occurrence throughout the 1930s, Wilfred also became interested in building machines that were specifically for home use.