TN MOVING STORIES: Transpo News Links from Around the Web


Discrimination Complaints Trickle In About D.C. Cabs (link)


New York's R train could return to full service Monday. (NYPost)

The head of the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration says it's time to worry about keeping cars safe from hackers. (Freep)

The House is proposing a 40 percent funding cut for Amtrak. (The Hill)

Wait, does that bill also get involved with Amtrak's boarding procedures? (Itinerant Urbanist)

The estimated cost for Maryland's new Purple Line has risen by $56 million. (WaPo)

Officials in Lancaster, California, want to close the city's sole commuter rail station because they say it's been taken over by homeless people. (California Report)

A new law takes effect next week requiring drivers to stay three-feet from bicycles when passing them on California roads. (KPCC)

The city with the most expensive car insurance in the country is...Detroit. (Marketplace)

Should 9/11 be exempted from alternate side parking rules? “The last thing New Yorkers should be concerned about as they reflect on 9/11 is receiving a summons from New York City because of what side of the street they parked on,” NYC Council member Vincent Gentile said. “We as a government shouldn’t be trying to collect money from New Yorkers on a day like this.” (NYDN)