A trauma psychologist offers tips for NYC parents and kids trying to make sense of the subway shooting

In the wake of Tuesday’s subway shooting in Sunset Park, many New York City parents were left wondering how to talk to their children about what happened. Traumatic events can be especially hard for young people, whose brains and understanding of the world are still developing.

Gothamist collected audience questions from parents who are trying to make sense of their own emotions about the crisis while also fielding concerns from their kids. WNYC host Sean Carlson then posed those queries to Dr. Alison Holman, a professor at the University of California, Irvine’s Sue and Bill Gross School of Nursing. She’s spent her career studying how traumatic events affect people differently depending on their life experiences and behavior.

Holman explained why it’s important for parents to address the event, rather than to downplay or ignore it, unless a child raises the issue. She offered different conversational tips based on the age of the child and advice for parents seeking ways to cope.

Click listen in the player to hear their conversation.