The Unwelcome Harassment Women Face on the Street

Holly Kearl, founder and executive director of Stop Street Harassment and the author of Stop Street Harassment: Making Public Places Safe and Welcoming for Women (Praeger, 2010), talks about what women are subjected to on the street to make them feel unsafe, from catcalls to groping, and how to end it.
Plus: Anthonine Pierre, Lead Community Organizer at the Brooklyn Movement Center, talks about the Center's "Anti-Street Harassment Bike Patrol," which is part of their "No Disrespect" campaign.
1 in 4 women have experienced groping, sexual touching or other forms of assault, according to a nationally representative survey. @hkearl
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) July 15, 2015
Got catcalled by a group of cops at LIC precinct! i was in cocktail dress omw home after friend's wedding. how can we feel safe @brianlehrer
— Vera Tong (@vtltong) July 15, 2015
Caller talks about assault at 15 y/o. "I wish I'd had more gumption to say something to shame this man. He was old enough to be my father."
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) July 15, 2015
. @BrianLehrer TY http://t.co/D51BdaBxkX and https://t.co/DbzxZoW1bW are 2 resources for help w/how to respond to #streetharassment
— Holly Kearl (@hkearl) July 15, 2015
.@BrianLehrer @jamifloyd I grew up in NYC, harassment started when I was 11-12, no one ever helped me, mom never warned me, I was on my own.
— Leela Corman (@LeelaOfNewYork) July 15, 2015
The prevalence of street harassment has corrupted even a 'hello' from a stranger. Wish I could say this was an exaggeration. @BrianLehrer
— Kathryn Brenzel (@katiebrenzel) July 15, 2015
.@AnthonineP from @BKMovement says they're piloting a biking group that actively looks for harassment + intervenes/starts conversations.
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) July 15, 2015
Remember this video from @iHollaback? Discussing street harassment now on @WNYC. https://t.co/sVg5XDmCxn http://t.co/3iGG0a5KFU
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) July 15, 2015
Parents of young girls: have you talked to your daughters about street harassment? What do you tell them? https://t.co/J7N7DRFaQp
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) July 15, 2015
@BrianLehrer I’m the parent of a boy, 13, and have told him about it, so that he is aware that it is/will be an issue for girls he knows.
— Sarah Goodyear (@buttermilk1) July 15, 2015
omg: cabbie is listening to an NPR piece on street harassment, someone who works with city youth says he teaches them not to look at women
— Jameson Fitzpatrick (@twinkpiece) July 15, 2015
. @OneOnlyBrother @BrianLehrer yes, we need a cultural shift so this is no longer true. Thx for sharing
— StopStreetHarassment (@StopStHarassmnt) July 15, 2015
@BrianLehrer but like whites are often aware of their white privilege it's likely that men are aware of their privilege when cat calling.
— NoneOther TheBrother (@OneOnlyBrother) July 15, 2015