Weekend Staff Picks: Animals, Opera & Ukulele

Here are a few of the activities some WNYC staff members are checking out around town.

CHRIS BANNON, vice president of content development: As a fan of The Daily Show's John Hodgman, Chris will be in the audience at the Public Theater on Saturday for the Under The Radar Festival, where Hodgman is performing his act called I Stole Your Dad. He might even play his ukulele -- Hodgman that is, not Bannon.

JOY Y. WANG, producer of Last Chance Foods: Joy is looking forward to seeing her first opera ever since moving to New York City, ten years ago. The Metropolitan Opera is presenting Johann Strauss's Die Fledermaus through the end of February. If you can't make it in person, our sister station WQXR, 105.9 FM will broadcast and stream Saturday's performance at 1pm.

MANOUSH ZOMORODI, host of New Tech City: Manoush is always looking for activities for her young children and found something way off the beaten path and unique. Last week, she made an appointment for a visit to the Torah Animal World in Boro Park, Brooklyn. Every animal described in the Hebrew bible is displayed in a taxidermy exhibit. Check out some of Manoush's family snapshots below.

The Rabbi greets Manoush Zomorodi's family at the Torah Animal World in Boro Park.
The Rabbi greets Manoush Zomorodi's family at the Torah Animal World in Boro Park. (Manoush Zomorodi)
The kids loved to get up close to all the taxidermy.
The kids loved to get up close to all the taxidermy. (Manoush Zomorodi)
The parents weren't quite as touchy feely with the animals.
The parents weren't quite as touchy feely with the animals. (Manoush Zomorodi)
Manoush Zomorodi, host of New Tech City visiting the Torah Animal World in Brooklyn.
Manoush Zomorodi, host of New Tech City visiting the Torah Animal World in Brooklyn. (Manoush Zomorodi)