Weekend Staff Picks: Smoking Monkeys, Block Parties & Chile Peppers

"Naughty Betty, a Rite of Passage," by Donald Roller Wilson at Storefront Bushwick

Here is a sampling of the events our colleagues are checking out around town this weekend.

AMY EDDINGS, WNYC host, All Things Considered: Amy found a small art gallery in Bushwick that currently is showing works by three artists in a chapel-like installation. Storefront Bushwick features the zany realist paintings by Donald Roller Wilson, who does portrayals of cats, dogs and chimpanzees dressed in elegant costumes, some of whom are smoking cigars. 

BROOKE GLADSTONE, host and managing editor of On The Media: The 40-thousand square foot BRIC Arts Media House just opened in downtown Brooklyn in the former Strand Theater. As part of it's opening celebration there will be a block party on Saturday, and as Brooke said, "It's being put on by the people who bring us Celebrate Brooklyn so it's got to be good."

ROB WEISBERG, producer at WQXR: Rob plans to sample the different hot sauces and chocolates that will be available at the annual Chile Pepper Festival at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden on Saturday. Be sure to catch him as one of the deejays at the event, where he tells us he will be spinning all things hot. Think Salsa.