The Trump name is emblazoned on seventeen NYC buildings. But exactly what properties Trump owns or manages is difficult to discern. His federal public disclosure filing is 92 pages long.
The Donald is known for licensing his name to other developers. With the help of public records, research from Actovia Commercial Mortgage Intelligence and CityRealty.com, and the Trump Organization, we suss out who owns what.
1. 1290 Avenue of the Americas - Bank of America Building
Vornado press release, and CityRealty.com: Trump owns a 30% share, Vornado owns 70%.
Trump Organization email: "In regards to 1290 Avenue of the America, Mr. Trump owns the building with Vornado."
Actovia Commerical Mortgage Intelligence: Not owned by Trump.
2. 40 Wall Street - Commercial building
CityRealty.com: Trump has a leasehold on the property as of 1995.
Actovia: Owned by Trump.
Trump Organization email: Mr. Trump owns 40 Wall Street.
3. Trump International Hotel, 1 Central Park West
Actovia: Condo not owned by Trump.
Trump Organization email: Trump is the developer.
4. Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue
Actovia: Owned by Trump.
CityRealty: Trump owns the commercial space.
Trump Organization: Trump is the developer.
5. 610 Park Avenue
Actovia: Condo not owned by Trump.
Trump Organization: Trump is the developer.
6. Trump Palace, 200 E. 89th Street
Actovia: Condo not owned by Trump.
Trump Organization: Trump is the developer.
7. Trump Place (7 properties), 180 Riverside Blvd.
Actovia: Not owned by Trump.
Trump Organization: Trump is the developer.
8. Trump Park Avenue, 502 Park Avenue
Actovia: Condo not owned by Trump
9. Trump Parc and Trump Parc East 100 and 108 Central Park South
Actovia: Not owned by Trump.
Trump Organization: Trump is the developer.
10. Trump Soho
Actovia: Not owned by Trump.
Trump Organization: No mention of Trump Soho.
11. Trump World Tower, 327 E. 47th Street
Actovia: Not owned by Trump.
Trump Organization: Trump is the developer.
12. Trump Plaza
Actovia: Not owned by Trump.
Trump Organization: Mr. Trump is the developer of this coop.
According to public records, Trump also owns properties at 4 and 8 East 57th Street and coops at 167 East 61 St. and 325 East 43rd St.
In New York, New Jersey, and well beyond, Donald Trump is perhaps best known for his brand. It’s emblazoned across buildings, casinos, golf courses. So, in a sentence, how would you describe that brand? Leave your comment below.