Where Law and Medicine Meet

Criminal in Chains Before Justice (Detail)

Judge David W. Peck, Justice of the Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court First Department, speaks about the many areas of cross-over between the medical and legal fields.

He begins with abortion and embryonic life, indicating that advances in medicine have led to a legal recognition of the fetus in utero as a unique existence.

He then moves into issues surrounding worker's compensation. He speaks specifically about medical experts hired by lawyers to testify, and about the difficulty in distinguishing between genuinely controversial medical issues—such as the cause of cancer—and fraudulent testimony. He mentions the panel of medical advisers hired by New York State to settle such disputes, and the success it has had.

Judge Peck then moves into a discussion of "family ruptures, juvenile delinquency, and crime by youth." He argues that such cases would benefit with more medical testimony. Instead of arguing about guilty, a question that is often obvious, Judge Peck says that juries should look for the cause of juvenile delinquency, and the sentence should offer "medical aid" in the form of rehabilitation.

The law changes slowly, he says in conclusion, and cannot experiment as easily as medicine can. However, he hopes that the future will bring exploration into fields of preventative law which, like preventative medicine, will try to rehabilitate prisoners and keep them out of jail in the first place.

The lecture ends with a question and answer session.

WNYC archives id: 67380