City councilman Brad Lander from Brooklyn, who chairs the Committee on Rules, Privileges and Elections and is a founding co-chair of the Council’s Progressive Caucus, talks about the mayor's plan to require affordable units in any new development, termed "mandatory inclusionary zoning" - a policy Lander has long advocated. He explains the city council's role and what it means for residents and developers.
What do you think about "mandatory inclusionary zoning" - that is, required #AffordableHousing units in all new developments? 212-433-9692
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) August 5, 2015
on @BrianLehrer @bradlander argues you don't need add'l subsidies beyond MIZ to build in hot markets.
— Sally Goldenberg (@SallyGold) August 5, 2015
.@IQuantNY: Where NYC has lost rent-stabilized units by @NYCCouncil District: @FurmanCenterNYU @CNYCN @bradlander pic.twitter.com/DftGfxyi2x
— Mark Elliott (@markmobility) August 5, 2015
.@SallyGold @BradLander responds: new policy should address that. It'll only apply where we rezone + won't require case-by-case negotiation.
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) August 5, 2015
On @BrianLehrer, @bradlander says he's happy w/ MIZ plan but concerned about one option that allows 30% units at 120AMI.
— Sally Goldenberg (@SallyGold) August 5, 2015
.@AdamGidwitz From @CurbedNY: Pierhouse is 100 feet high. There is a 30-foot bulkhead but Bldgs Dept doesn't count mechs in official height.
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) August 5, 2015
Crown Heights caller: rich ppl bring expensive habits ie brunch + soulcycle. Will @NYCCouncil step in commercially? @bradlander: we hope to.
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) August 5, 2015
More on Jersey City's efforts to curb chains, from @WSJ: http://t.co/ooTGj8a1ZN https://t.co/vqHAMBNCxf
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) August 5, 2015
@BrianLehrer I like Brad Lander a lot, but I'm not buying the Kokopelli comparison. http://t.co/BIIZDKe1rM https://t.co/ylKfwzH3Za
— Michael Stivers (@MichaelStivers) August 5, 2015
Caller Linda in PA, born in Bronx, gets emotional about seniors being priced out of NY: "I feel like I can’t come home again."
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) August 5, 2015