Pretrial Detention
Reuniting Families on Mama's Day Bail Out
The National Bail Out Collective is bailing women, mothers, and caregivers out of incarceration for Mother's Day. May 6, 2022
Many Held In NYC Jail Are Never Convicted
Many people are held in New York City jails for weeks or months before trial who are never ultimately convicted of a crime. Sep 20, 2013
No Bail Money Keeps Poor People Behind Bars
Every day three quarters of the people sitting in a New York City jail are waiting for trial. Most are there for one simple reason: they are too poor to make bail. Sep 19, 2013
Queens Man Going Free After Five Years as a Pretrial Detainee
Donovan Drayton is free. Sort of. A judge Wednesday sentenced Drayton to five years behind bars—almost exactly the amount of time he spent on Rikers Island as a pretrial detainee—plu... Sep 18, 2013
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Donovan Drayton was arrested and accused of murder days after a 30-year-old man’s bullet-riddled body was found in the doorway of a single-family home in South Jamaica Queens. Drayto... Sep 17, 2013