Volunteer To Help Us Improve Our Products

These are the terms you must agree to:

We just need you to agree to the following before accepting you as an official beta tester.

By submitting this form, I agree to participate as a volunteer for New York Public Radio (“NYPR”) under the terms set out in this document. As used below, the term “App” refers to all software and any related documentation or information I may receive as a part of the beta test program.

I agree to work with NYPR to provide responses and reports as requested from time to time.

I understand that I will be given confidential trade secret information of NYPR. I agree that the characteristics and performance of the App, the App itself (including all software and any documentation) and this Agreement are all confidential information and constitute trade secrets of NYPR. (This information is referred to as "Confidential Information".) I acknowledge that disclosing any Confidential Information could cause serious and irreparable harm to NYPR.

As a condition of participating in the test, I agree to maintain the Confidential Information, including the App, in strict confidence and not to disclose Confidential Information to any person or organization until the earlier of (a) the date on which NYPR first makes this information publicly available, or (b) five years after the date of this Agreement (the "Non-Disclosure Period"). During the Non-Disclosure Period, I agree that I will not disclose or communicate any description or other information concerning the App, except directly to NYPR or with the express prior written consent of NYPR, and that I will not email, publish or otherwise share the App.

I agree not to reverse engineer or modify the App at any time in any way during or after the beta test. Upon request, I will promptly destroy or remove all supplied materials including uninstalling the App. I acknowledge that the App, its copyright, all related or included trademarks, and any other intellectual property rights in the App, and the WNYC and NYPR brands are owned by NYPR, and that I have no right to use the App or NYPR intellectual property beyond the term of the beta test or other than as incorporated in the App itself. I will use the App for the sole purpose of evaluating and testing the App during the period of the beta test.

I agree that my use of the beta version of the App, whether as part of this beta test or otherwise, is on an as-is basis, will be entirely at my own risk, and that NYPR makes no representations concerning the completeness, accuracy, or operation of the App. I agree that all oral and written reports to NYPR and any other materials, information or ideas provided by me (including corrections to problems in the App and documentation) become the property of NYPR.