Clock Your Sleep Impact Survey

Tell us how the Clock Your Sleep project is going. Whether you've been participating for a few days or a few weeks — we at WNYC want to know how the Clock Your Sleep project is going for you. Take two minutes and tell us how tracking your #sleepdata has impacted you.

April 29, 2014 12:54:26 PM

2-3 weeks




I stay in bed far too long after actually waking up, and go to bed far later if I have access to internet.


Not specifically, but I'm always trying to get back on an earlier schedule, and this certainly helps me be aware of how divergent the schedule of late has been.

April 29, 2014 11:05:37 AM

1 month or more


Yes, in another way


That I actually sleep better then I thought. I made sure I had a schedule and stuck to it.



April 29, 2014 10:47:57 AM

2-3 weeks


Yes, in another way


More conscious about keeping consistent sleep schedule + sleep time.




Yes, but very very very hard !!! Ahhh...

April 29, 2014 10:46:01 AM

1 month or more


Yes, I'm getting more sleep


I had been getting less sleep than I thought.


Yes. I feel more motivated to get myself to bed earlier. This means closing the laptop, turning off the iPhone, avoiding reading one more article, choosing not to channel surf one more time. I have a new perspective on balancing all the things I like to do for "me" time and the value of getting enough sleep. A little less "me" time and little more sleep makes the "me" time higher quality.

April 29, 2014 10:39:41 AM

1-2 weeks


Yes, I'm getting more sleep




tried to get to sleep earlier

April 29, 2014 10:37:03 AM

2-3 weeks




hard to change

April 29, 2014 10:34:45 AM

1 month or more


Yes, in another way


I'm more aware of the actual amount of sleep I'm getting, and more aware of how I feel when I get up in the morning. I think of myself as being random in terms of when I go to sleep, when I get up -- but day after day, the time I turn off the lights and the time I get out of bed don't vary all that much, all week long. I'm impressed!


When I started, I was vaguely aware that I was waking up in the middle of the night, and now it's clearer to me why -- last few nights it's been because I was slightly chilly, sometimes my husband's snoring combined with my own stress, sometimes caffeine or alcohol.


Pushing myself to get about 30 minutes more sleep a night, and not staying up later than usual.

April 29, 2014 10:29:06 AM

1-2 weeks




I have a greater level of "sound sleep" than most people.



April 29, 2014 10:26:29 AM

2-3 weeks




In graphs and charts my sleep doesn't look so bad. But in reality it's not great. I am woken up constantly by my sleeping partner (my husband).



April 29, 2014 10:21:20 AM

1 month or more




Hard to change


See above

April 29, 2014 10:07:32 AM

2-3 weeks



April 29, 2014 10:00:13 AM

2-3 weeks




I consistently get less than I thought I did, and I don't make up for it on the weekend.


I've tried to sleep more (go to bed earlier) but no luck so far.

April 29, 2014 09:54:32 AM

2-3 weeks




I learned that I don't stick to patterns very well.

April 29, 2014 09:48:22 AM

1 month or more




i am apparently a heavy sleeper - once i'm out, i'm out for the night (for the most part). i also sleep a lot (perhaps too much) on the weekends. i started cutting back on caffeine around the same time i started tracking my sleep patterns which has resulted in me going to bed earlier than i used to.


cut back on caffeine significantly since starting this study which helps me not stay up as late as i used to (which in turn means i get more sleep).

April 29, 2014 09:48:02 AM

2-3 weeks




I sleep pretty soundly once I actually lay down. I just need to get myself into bed earlier.

April 29, 2014 09:47:12 AM

2-3 weeks




Nothing surprising.



April 29, 2014 09:47:00 AM

1 week




I've only just begun


not yet

April 29, 2014 09:42:42 AM

2-3 weeks


Yes, I'm getting more sleep


I fall asleep faster.


I sleep less than the average person.


I run a body scan when I go to sleep which relaxes me.

April 29, 2014 09:33:45 AM

1-2 weeks




they are pretty consistent, and I'm getting more sleep then I thought


I try to exercise more, and am more committed to my over all workout routine than before.

April 29, 2014 09:10:51 AM

2-3 weeks


Yes, I'm getting more sleep


I try to go to bed earlier.

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