Clock Your Sleep Impact Survey

Tell us how the Clock Your Sleep project is going. Whether you've been participating for a few days or a few weeks — we at WNYC want to know how the Clock Your Sleep project is going for you. Take two minutes and tell us how tracking your #sleepdata has impacted you.

April 28, 2014 09:01:55 PM

2-3 weeks




I don't dleep enough



April 28, 2014 09:01:16 PM

1-2 weeks




My sleep is more erratic than I thought. Plus, after adding up all those minutes of laying in bed before I fall asleep and after I'm awake but still in bed, I'm not getting as much sleep as I thought!


I have tried to go to bed earlier

April 28, 2014 08:58:18 PM

2-3 weeks




I have TRIED to go to be earlier, but have not been sucessful

I have also TRIED to get out of bed sooner after my alarm, btu that has cnot been so successful, either

April 28, 2014 08:55:53 PM

1 month or more


Yes, in another way


I'm more interested in sleep patterns and what affects my sleep, how I can change it and the impact of sleep on my life.


I don't get enough sleep, especially on certain nights of the week.


I've downloaded a new sleep cycle app to help me regulate patterns, and learn how to improve sleep habits.

April 28, 2014 08:52:41 PM

1-2 weeks


Yes, I'm getting less sleep


Worrying about filling out your form every day has made me less relaxed about bedtime. Don't know for sure that it kept me awake, but I think things go better if I don't think about it. The trickiest question is about the length of time it took to get to sleep. I forgot to fill it out a few days ago and then decided just to drop out.

April 28, 2014 08:52:36 PM

2-3 weeks




I'm not really getting as much sleep as I thought I was.


Trying to go to bed earlier, since my weekday wakeup time is fixed.

April 28, 2014 08:52:16 PM

1-2 weeks




The patterns are fairly regular, including a period each night when I am awake.



April 28, 2014 08:49:10 PM

1 week



April 28, 2014 08:48:20 PM

2-3 weeks




How much time I am actually sleeping.

April 28, 2014 08:47:36 PM

2-3 weeks


Yes, I'm getting less sleep


I fall asleep really quickly!


Yes, go to bed earlier.

April 28, 2014 08:45:58 PM

1 month or more




That I sleep a little less than most participants. Since I am a full time student who also works part time, I'm not surprised by this result


No-my sleep is most limited by my school work. I Look forward to summer, when I hope I can sleep a little more!

April 28, 2014 08:43:10 PM

1-2 weeks




No. I'm fortunate to be someone who has an easy time getting to sleep and falling back to sleep when I wake up during the night. I also grew up with good sleep habits and make getting a good night's rest a priority.

April 28, 2014 08:43:01 PM

Less than a week




I go to bed later than I think and get up earlier than I think. I wake up a lot during the night.


Not really waiting for longer period of time.

April 28, 2014 08:41:30 PM

1 month or more


Yes, I'm getting more sleep


Because I've been keepingt rack, I've been going to bed earlier.


Mostly that I always wake up early, regardless of when I go to sleep, so going to bed earlier makes for a better me.



April 28, 2014 08:40:02 PM

1 month or more




I pretty much sleep the same amount of time every night, except for Saturdays, when I sleep a little longer.



April 28, 2014 08:37:04 PM

2-3 weeks




They're horrible.



April 28, 2014 08:36:50 PM

2-3 weeks




That I am more restless during the night than I
had known. But I try not to drink water within
an hour if going to sleep so I go to the bathroom
fewer times in the middle of the night. From 3 to 1.some nights none.


Drinking eating not close to turning out the light.

April 28, 2014 08:35:19 PM

1-2 weeks




I am more affected by noise from other people than I thought I was.


Not yet.

April 28, 2014 08:34:26 PM

2-3 weeks







April 28, 2014 08:33:18 PM

1 month or more


Yes, I'm getting more sleep


I've learned the I need to cut out the afternoon caffeine.


I've tried to exercise more and drink less caffeine throughout the day.