Clock Your Sleep Impact Survey

Tell us how the Clock Your Sleep project is going. Whether you've been participating for a few days or a few weeks — we at WNYC want to know how the Clock Your Sleep project is going for you. Take two minutes and tell us how tracking your #sleepdata has impacted you.

May 27, 2014 11:29:22 AM

1 month or more


Yes, I'm getting less sleep


It's not a really fair trial in my case, because as I started the sleep challenge, I also found and was bitten ferociously by bed bugs in a library book next to my bedside table. Even though the library book was returned (with appropriate notification to NYPL), the worry and fight against bbs had me staying up until very late at night.



May 27, 2014 11:21:11 AM

1 month or more



May 27, 2014 11:12:49 AM

1-2 weeks




They are really bad


Somewhat, however, I have been really busy this week so it sadly hadn't changed much.

May 27, 2014 11:11:04 AM

1 month or more


Yes, in another way


I'm not getting more sleep every night, or even most nights but overall there are more nights when I have been able to improve my hours enough to make a difference. This gives me hope that I can extend the trend!


Once I'm alone in my study after my husband has gone to bed, it's too easy for me to fall asleep on the sofa or even at my desk. If it's on the sofa, I'll sleep pretty soundly for a couple of hours or so but then I'm wide awake. This is why I have to stick to a definite bedtime.


Yes. I try to set in my own mind by mid-day every day the time when I will get to bed. That doesn't always work, especially if I have a client that calls me in the afternoon with some new matter. But it is the change that has had some success. I have set a definite wake-up time for every day including weekends and holidays, and have been working on a mantra to say every morning when I wake up that will actually get me out of bed faster.

May 27, 2014 11:09:11 AM

1 month or more




I sleep much less than I thought I did in general.


I've tried getting to sleep earlier and more, with little success. Also, I joined the digital detox team but found I had very little success in avoiding technology for an hour before bed.

May 27, 2014 11:08:59 AM

1 month or more




I learned that I was getting less sleep than I had thought but that maybe what I'm getting is enough, or at least pretty good.


I experimented with various approaches but ultimately went back to going to bed and getting up at about the same time every day.

May 27, 2014 11:08:55 AM

1 month or more


Yes, I'm getting more sleep


I learned that despite being you and active, I still need at LEAST 6 hrs to make it through the day without yawning. It's one of those things I'd always known, but being able to look at the objective data really made the idea stick.


Well, I'm trying to sleep more.

May 27, 2014 11:07:59 AM

1 month or more


Yes, I'm getting more sleep


More conscious of things.


I can easily stay up late without even thinking about it.


Setting an alarm to go to sleep has helped.

May 27, 2014 11:07:09 AM

1 month or more


Yes, I'm getting more sleep


That I had good sleep efficiency, but was getting less sleep on average than I thought I was.


Yes. No screens right before bed.

May 27, 2014 11:06:06 AM

1 month or more


Yes, I'm getting more sleep


consistent but dip on certain days


yes, tried to stop using phone earlier. added twilight app to phone.

May 27, 2014 11:05:36 AM

1 month or more




I'm getting less sleep than I thought I was


I've tried to cut out the caffeine in the late evenings, I'm not sure it's helped, but drinking 20oz of Diet Coke at 10pm just seems like a bad idea

May 27, 2014 11:05:19 AM

1 month or more


Yes, in another way


I am able to fall asleep much more quickly! (I use the A/B/C category game....worst cities in the USA, anyone?)

I am sleeping more, if I choose to follow the techniques I learned below.


-- If I rely on my iPod to help me fall asleep, I tend to play around on the device instead of just closing my eyes and listening to the podcast.

-- If I go to bed when I'm tired (and not earlier, even if I think I should go to bed earlier), I tend to fall asleep more quickly.


Yes! No playing with my devices in bed, no exercise past 6 pm, try to keep to a basic schedule even on weekends, no naps...

May 27, 2014 11:03:44 AM

2-3 weeks


Yes, I'm getting more sleep


that I really need time away from electronics both going to bed and getting up.


Yes, smartphone now stays well out of reach.

May 22, 2014 11:29:38 PM

1 month or more




I do not get enough sleep


Would love to but work makes it impossible.

May 22, 2014 11:28:18 PM

2-3 weeks



May 22, 2014 11:22:48 PM

1 week




I'm getting much more sleep than the average, which is unsurprising given I do not use an alarm clock, but impressive and satisfying nonetheless.


I'm a bit concerned that I'm getting *too* much sleep because I still find myself feeling tired despite sleeping 9-10 hours a day, so I am looking to develop a more consistent schedule limited to 9 hours.

May 22, 2014 11:18:00 PM

1-2 weeks


Yes, I'm getting more sleep


Once I start tracking my sleep pattern, I feel like I have more of a drive to reach the desirable amount of sleep. Gives me more of a push to go to sleep on time.


Not really. I tried to not use any electronics an hour prior sleep, but to no avail.

May 22, 2014 11:02:37 PM

2-3 weeks


Yes, in another way


More aware of sleep


More inconsistent than i thought



May 22, 2014 11:01:05 PM

1 month or more




It was interesting to think about ....but I still have good nights and bad nights when I do not sleep much.





May 22, 2014 10:50:06 PM

1 month or more




I need to get more sleep and also figure out a way to stay sleeping instead of waking up each night to roll over or go to the bathroom.


Yes. Most nights I plan on going to bed 1/2 to 1 hour earlier than usual but it rarely happens.