Clock Your Sleep Impact Survey

Tell us how the Clock Your Sleep project is going. Whether you've been participating for a few days or a few weeks — we at WNYC want to know how the Clock Your Sleep project is going for you. Take two minutes and tell us how tracking your #sleepdata has impacted you.

May 17, 2014 09:01:24 AM

1 month or more


Yes, in another way


I am more aware of the quality of my sleep. My average time sleeping hasn't changed, but I am better able to define whether it s a good night's sleep versus not so good. I can tell the difference in my complexion and overall sense of well being.


I am fairly regular in my patterns


I joined Team Vice Squad to bolster better habits and nudge myself towards a weight loss goal.

May 17, 2014 06:51:48 AM

Less than a week


Yes, I'm getting more sleep


It is harder for me to track when I fall asleep than when I wakeup.


Yes I am trying to go to sleep in a bed rather than fall asleep on a couch watching TV.

May 16, 2014 11:37:25 PM

1 month or more


Yes, in another way


I am not waking up at 4 or 5 am anymore. I hated it when that happened.


From the WNYC


I am more aware of my sleep habits.

May 16, 2014 04:27:13 PM

1 month or more




I went through one horrible 10 day period at work, which stressed out my sleep habits; not sure if I logged it during that period.


That, according to the rule of Hockenberry, I'm halfway on course. I get up pretty much thesame time weekdays (either 5AM or 4AM), and try to go to bed around 10:30 PM. That fluctuates within about 90 minutes on any given night.


No. I grew up in a household of early risers who needed little sleep. I think it's a good gene.

May 16, 2014 02:31:32 PM

1 month or more




They're incredibly erratic


Yes, but without much luck!

May 16, 2014 02:26:32 PM

1-2 weeks


Yes, in another way


Becoming more regular in terms of getting to bed consistently. Still not as early as I would like but not staying up past 12:30.

Aiming for 10:30 sleep time...

May 16, 2014 02:10:04 PM

Less than a week


Yes, I'm getting more sleep


My kids keep me up at night.


I have been making my kids go to bed earlier.

May 16, 2014 01:42:38 PM

1-2 weeks




I've always known I needed to get more sleep but this program has made me more conscientious of my daily habits to allow for more time (to sleep earlier).


Yes - to not go on facebook and pinterest before going to sleep but it has been seriously ha hard habit to break. It has been part of my nighttime before-sleep ritual. I've joined the Digital Detox Team but it has been a hard "addition" to kick.

May 16, 2014 01:39:57 PM

Less than a week


Yes, I'm getting more sleep


I'm doing amazingly well at skipping social media/computer interaction for one hour before bed. On some nights, it's been much more than one hour before bed.


I learned that I can actually stick to a schedule. Next week, I'm seriously going to try 10:30pm sleep time!

May 16, 2014 09:38:45 AM

1 month or more




I'm more aware of the amount of time I'm awake in the middle of the night - historically, I slept right through. I was aware that my pillow was causing me to wake, but I hadn't really done anything about it. So I've purchased a series of pillows until I found the right one. I'm sleeping through the night more often now.


I've been trying to spend less time in bed in the morning. Instead of just dozing or reading emails/the news for an hour on my phone, I've been getting up, making a cooked breakfast, and working on a personal project that I don't have time for in the evening. I've been significantly more productive and I really enjoy my "creative time". I also feel better.

May 16, 2014 08:19:59 AM

Less than a week


Yes, I'm getting more sleep


I was going to bed too late. Accountability helps me stay on track.


Yes, I'm consciously getting to bed earlier and aware that I need to get off electronics early.

May 15, 2014 10:21:17 PM

1-2 weeks




I am trying not to drink alcohol at night because while i fall asleep after two glasses of wine I wake up after two hours then I am awake for the rest of the night tossing and turning. :(

May 15, 2014 06:24:29 PM

2-3 weeks


Yes, in another way


I'm getting to sleep faster and also letting myself rest in bed if I am tried when I wake up in the morning. Even if I don't get more actual hours of sleep I do feel better as a result of resting for 10-20 minutes before getting out of bed when i feel tired in the AM.


The biggest obstacles to my getting more sleep are: 1. being distracted by reading too many newspaper articles late at night or 2. watching too much TV at night


Yes - have tried to eat earlier with some limited success and have watched the clock more when watching TV. Have not yet succeeded in getting to bed earlier. But I will not give up on this.

May 15, 2014 05:06:05 PM

Less than a week




I've tracked on and off - currently on vacation and wanted to set an earlier bedtime and wake time, but so far, find I just don't see any reason to deliberately be miserable until next week when I go back to work!


We'll see how it goes next week. Key to me is to stick with bed and wake times that sadly don't mesh with my circadian rhythm.

May 15, 2014 10:56:20 AM

Less than a week


Yes, in another way


I'm sleeping deeply, with vivid dreams. Not necessarily more sleep, but definitely deeper. And that mind/body thing, that matters. Meaning that I'm noticing what's going on with myself physically when I pay attention to my tiredness, meaning, not locked in with a screen, the way I am right now.


I'm about an hour short most nights.


Still on it...

May 15, 2014 09:02:19 AM

Less than a week




the 'Time I turned out the lights' drop down menu is missing a "I didn't turn out the lights/sleep" option. Would love it if that can be updated so your results could reflect this percent of the population - thanks!

May 15, 2014 08:11:55 AM

1 month or more


Yes, I'm getting more sleep


That I have irregular times for going to bed.


Try to exercise earlier in the day. Not eat close to bedtime.

May 14, 2014 10:50:18 AM

1 month or more




They are very bad! But the only thing I've really learned is that I have some extremely bad habits - related to when I work and what I feel I have to do before the next day - and have not been able to change them yet.


Yes, I have tried to stick with set times for sleeping and waking. Waking has been more successful, sleeping not at all. I signed on the Hockenberry team in the hope that seeing how others are doing with the same strategy will provide an incentive. So far I'm just embarrassed but I am still determined to do this.

May 14, 2014 10:35:04 AM

1 month or more




nothing new, except I still want to go to sleep earlier...


nothing yet, too much going on still

May 14, 2014 09:59:42 AM

1 month or more


Yes, in another way


I am an adjunct professor and the semester just ended-- I tend to "sleep in" on days I don't have to leave the house for work/have a scheduled appointment, and that's been the case. My goal is always to get up by 9:30am and start by day, but on a day like today, for instance, I didn't get up until 9:50.


I think I tend to sleep in more when I am PMSed than any other time period. Also, no matter when I wake up or what I did during the day, I always WANT to go to bed around the midnight hour/a little after-- no matter what.


No, not really.