Clock Your Sleep Impact Survey

Tell us how the Clock Your Sleep project is going. Whether you've been participating for a few days or a few weeks — we at WNYC want to know how the Clock Your Sleep project is going for you. Take two minutes and tell us how tracking your #sleepdata has impacted you.

May 09, 2014 02:22:43 PM

1-2 weeks




I learned that I usually go to bed between 11:30-12:30. I was hoping it was closer to 10:30 and 11:30.


Yes. I try to do my evening routines faster so i can prep for bedtime earlier. My goal is to be in bed every night by 11pm. I've been making my goals every now and then but mostly its been 11:20 and a "late night" is about 12a or 12:15a.

May 09, 2014 02:01:27 PM

1-2 weeks


Yes, in another way


more conscious of sleep. turning off & turning in earlier, sleeping longer, but, getting up earlier leaves me v.tired.


nothing I didnt know.


trying to 'unplug'.

May 09, 2014 09:54:06 AM

1 month or more




I've always wondered how much sleep I'm actually getting and the answer is alarming little!!!! I've also learned I'm pretty consistent about wake up time. With rare exception.


I wish I could but I can't really. With two kids, they dictate my sleep schedule more than I do.

May 09, 2014 08:57:17 AM

1 month or more




i was surprised to see how much less sleep i got then the other participants



May 09, 2014 08:26:51 AM

1 month or more



May 09, 2014 07:44:12 AM

1 month or more



May 09, 2014 07:38:34 AM

1-2 weeks


Yes, I'm getting more sleep


I learned that if I track them I get more sleep. Also I learned that when I have caffeine I have trouble sleeping at night. Also that I am more diligent about my bed time when I track my sleep.


Yes, the digital detox is helping me get more sleep. Just not doing social media at night before bed helps a lot.

May 09, 2014 01:53:04 AM

1 month or more




I'm more aware that I'm not getting "enough" sleep, and have been trying to change that-- but it's frustrating-- As a result of trying to get more sleep, I'm not getting enough exercise, and I'm falling behind both with my work and with general life/household responsibilities!

May 08, 2014 10:37:30 PM

1 month or more




Yes - I've cut out the caffeine after 4:00. And will try to exercise more

May 08, 2014 09:35:26 PM

Less than a week




Consistently get less sleep than I least this week.


Attempting to exercise 3x wk

May 08, 2014 08:53:52 PM

1 month or more


Yes, in another way


It varies from good to bad at timrs but striving for balance still.


They're awful to see visually but its helping mme make adjustments... rather slowly but getting there.


Yes. No more tv in bedroom cell left across room, tablet and laptop are equally out of reach - oh and sounds off on devices. This fas sometimes and i m on Twitter into the wee hours. Then there's the thirst and eventual urge to usr the bathroom because i drink do much water.

May 08, 2014 08:39:46 PM

Less than a week




I seem to wake up because I am hot or cold. My husband threw his half of the down quilt onto me. If my legs become cold they cramp and this will wake me up.



May 08, 2014 05:10:59 PM

1 month or more




I have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, and getting back to sleep.


Cut down on caffeine, set my alarm to go off earlier, try to get to bed earlier. Since my "smart" phone is my alarm, it's next to my bed but it has a "quiet time" feature, so it doesn't make any noises after 11PM.

May 08, 2014 01:08:33 PM

1 month or more


Yes, in another way


I think I'm getting the same amount of sleep but stressing about it less, which is helping me fall asleep faster. It's helped me relax about my sleep routine a bit, helping me to stop judging it which is improving my anxiety and insomnia.


That I actually require more than 8 hours of sleep most nights to feel rested.


I've been better about letting myself get at least 8 hours when I can, instead of forcing myself to get up an at hour that does not feel natural

May 08, 2014 12:00:37 PM

2-3 weeks




There is on average a three day cycle of two days going to bed really late and getting an average of five to six hours, and the third day of going to bed earlier and getting 8 to 9 hours of sleep.


Trying to be more consistent going to bed earlier.

May 08, 2014 09:38:00 AM

Less than a week




I have a very hard time getting away from the computer! It's insidious, I lose track of time every evening and stay online far past the time I PROMISED myself I'd be done for the evening.


Yes. I saw was happening last night and started my nighttime routine right way. Since I knew I'd be tracking my sleep, I was in bed in 30 minutes, compared to the full hour I'd be dragging my feet and finding 'necessary' reasons to log back in. I also stopped reading much sooner, when I normally spend up to 30 minutes reading before finally turning out the light.

May 08, 2014 09:31:19 AM

2-3 weeks



May 08, 2014 08:40:30 AM

1-2 weeks


Yes, in another way


I have been concerned about my sleep for years as it has been an issue: waking in the middle of the night several times a night, not going back to sleep and so on. I also have felt that I never get quite the right amount of sleep. So I was curious what the sleep tracking would reveal. Well, I do have the odd night of little sleep but what I saw is most nights I get about 8 hours of sleep even when it is interrupted, I go right back to sleep. Drinking wine or eating chocolate is a disaster for me and 100% of the time will lead me to have horrible sleep, I have learned. But I was so happy to see that I actually sleep pretty well.


As I stated above, if I eat a bit of dessert especially chocolate, forget it, I won't sleep well. Also, drinking wine seems to bother me, a relatively new phenomenon for me but one I can live with. I seem to wake up around the same time every morning, usually around 7 or earlier if I go to bed at 10 and around 8 if I have stayed up til midnight.


I am a bit more careful with what I eat and drink at night.

May 08, 2014 08:34:52 AM

2-3 weeks


Yes, in another way


Am more aware of how my IPhone has changed my going to bed and waking up. Have not made changes yet but am working up to it.

I was a diligent reporter until the app kept crashing last week, and I finally gave up.


that I'm pretty regular, I NEVER get enough sleep. And I'm retired, don't have to go to work at a specific time anymore


Well, I'm aware of what I WANT to change

May 08, 2014 07:53:20 AM

2-3 weeks




seems everyone sleeps too little



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