April 25, 2014 08:02:40 AM

2-3 weeks


Yes, in another way


When I do awake from time to time during the night (older guys do that) I am more aware of being awake, and this impacts on the ease with which I fall asleep again. I feel that my sleep is marginally worse since I started participating in the survey.


I learned that I probably am not getting enough sleep..as least at night.


There is no part of the survey that covers naps during the day. I am retired and have, for years, napped mid-day (hour and a half or so). However , more often than not I would awake from the nap feeling like crap! Groggy, dopey, and needing a cup of coffee to revive. Of late (pre-survey) I have been trying to limit the time napping to 20-30 mins.
To what extent- good or bad- does taking a nap impact on nocturnal sleep?

Tell us how the Clock Your Sleep project is going.