April 28, 2014 09:54:52 PM
1-2 weeks
Yes, in another way
I am more aware of how long it takes me to fall asleep and have been thinking about why. I enjoy knowing how much sleep I've gotten and how caffeine is impacting my sleep patterns. I am slave to the bean!
I've learned that I get very little sleep and that days when I "exercised" I tended to fall asleep faster.
Tell us how the Clock Your Sleep project is going.
Yes. I work in the film industry where we have a minimum 12 hour work day, so getting very little sleep is a given, but I am happy to start transforming my sleep patterns within my circumstances. I have tried to stop drinking caffeine after 2:45 and have stopped putting my cellphone as close to my bed. I still get very little sleep, but knowing why or having some sense of my habits is comforting.