April 29, 2014 10:34:45 AM

1 month or more


Yes, in another way


I'm more aware of the actual amount of sleep I'm getting, and more aware of how I feel when I get up in the morning. I think of myself as being random in terms of when I go to sleep, when I get up -- but day after day, the time I turn off the lights and the time I get out of bed don't vary all that much, all week long. I'm impressed!


When I started, I was vaguely aware that I was waking up in the middle of the night, and now it's clearer to me why -- last few nights it's been because I was slightly chilly, sometimes my husband's snoring combined with my own stress, sometimes caffeine or alcohol.


Pushing myself to get about 30 minutes more sleep a night, and not staying up later than usual.

Tell us how the Clock Your Sleep project is going.