May 08, 2014 08:40:30 AM

1-2 weeks


Yes, in another way


I have been concerned about my sleep for years as it has been an issue: waking in the middle of the night several times a night, not going back to sleep and so on. I also have felt that I never get quite the right amount of sleep. So I was curious what the sleep tracking would reveal. Well, I do have the odd night of little sleep but what I saw is most nights I get about 8 hours of sleep even when it is interrupted, I go right back to sleep. Drinking wine or eating chocolate is a disaster for me and 100% of the time will lead me to have horrible sleep, I have learned. But I was so happy to see that I actually sleep pretty well.


As I stated above, if I eat a bit of dessert especially chocolate, forget it, I won't sleep well. Also, drinking wine seems to bother me, a relatively new phenomenon for me but one I can live with. I seem to wake up around the same time every morning, usually around 7 or earlier if I go to bed at 10 and around 8 if I have stayed up til midnight.


I am a bit more careful with what I eat and drink at night.

Tell us how the Clock Your Sleep project is going.