February 05, 2011 01:29:54 PM



I was living in Paris when the events known as May,1968 went down.


people in the streets – talking and arguing among themselves, congregating in groups ever enlarging, confronting the police, etc. – frighten the powers-that-be because that is where individuals of different social classes, occupations, and outlooks exchange political ideas and evolve. Protesters need to stay in the street;
students and young people must link up with the working class and find where their mutual interests lie: the French Communist Party blocked such unity, and that was the beginning of the end of the revolt. Such a link-up may be even more difficult in Egypt because so many youth are unemployed, but it is key to keeping the movement going and growing;
the French government stayed in power because Pres. De Gaulle had the support of the army and his hand on the gas pumps, and that assured him the allegiance of the French “silent majority” which came out in great numbers – some say 500,000 – .to support the government.