Alexandra Botti appears in the following:
Invisible: When Young Women Face Major Health Issues
Monday, March 26, 2018
When young women face major health issues, we often choose not to see it. So says Michele Lent Hirsch, in a new book about how invisible sick young women can be in our society.
Taking Pains with Women's Health: A New Series
Monday, March 26, 2018
The Takeaway is launching a new series at the intersection of women and healthcare, and how gendered interactions color the way women are received by their own doctors and nurses.
Addiction Psychiatrist Wants to Change How We Prescribe Opioids
Friday, March 23, 2018
As efforts continue across the country to curb over-prescribing of opioids, one addiction psychiatrist says: let's take a different approach.
Trump and Congress Take Different Approaches to the Opioid Crisis
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
On Monday, President Trump released his new plan to address opioid deaths in America, as Congress prepares to take up a slew of bills addressing the crisis.
Overlooked: Nella Larsen, Novelist of the Harlem Renaissance
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
The Takeaway is bringing you stories of women getting overdue obituaries in The New York Times with the Times's "Overlooked" project, this week with a look at author Nella Larsen.
Alabama Sheriff Spends $740,000 Meant for Inmates' Food... On a Beach House
Friday, March 16, 2018
An Alabama sheriff buys himself a $740,000 beach house with money earmarked for prison food in his county’s jail. And it's legal.
Drag Kings Look For Space in a World Full of Queens
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Drag kings have a rich history, but don’t have nearly the same pop culture status or recognition as drag queens.
Overlooked: The Woman Who Brought Tennis to America
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
The woman who introduced tennis to the U.S. never got an obituary in The New York Times. We hear her story.
'Overlooked': Long-Awaited Tributes to the Women Who Never Got Them
Thursday, March 08, 2018
We remember the remarkable women throughout history who never got their due, in the form of New York Times obituaries, or otherwise.
How the Medical Community Undermines Female Pain
Wednesday, March 07, 2018
There is a deep history of women not being believed or taken seriously when it comes to pain, especially related to the reproductive system.
Class Action Suit Alleges Extreme Abuse, Neglect at Mississippi Prison
Monday, March 05, 2018
According to the plaintiffs in a case that goes to trial Monday, inmates at the East Mississippi Correctional Facility for men face unbearable conditions.
The #MeToo Movement: As the Big Jobs Go Vacant, Women Step In
Thursday, March 01, 2018
In the months since the #MeToo movement erupted, men accused of harassment have lost their jobs across industries. Now, vacancies at top organizations are being filled by women.
Teachers' Strike Ends in West Virginia
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
A teachers’ strike closed down every single public school in West Virginia for four straight days. On Tuesday night, an agreement was reached to give educators a five percent raise.
Anger Swells in Nigeria After 110 Schoolgirls Abducted
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
The kidnapping by Boko Haram comes nearly four years after 276 girls were abducted from a school in Chibok.
Children's Film Festival Has Lots for Grown-Ups, Too
Friday, February 23, 2018
The 21st annual New York International Children’s Film Festival begins Friday -- but it doesn’t just count kids among its fans.
A Test Strip That Could Save Lives
Thursday, February 22, 2018
New research finds that a simple test strip can check for the drug fentanyl, which kills tens of thousands of people a year after it's mixed into drugs like heroin and cocaine.
Oklahoma Takes Opioid Makers to Court
Monday, February 19, 2018
Oklahoma is one of a number of states that have filed lawsuits against opioid manufacturers. But it’s the only state to see its suit move ahead, with a trial date set for 2019.
Finding a Changing India Inside Three Marriages
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Elizabeth Flock spent a decade reporting on three middle class Indian marriages, and got intimate access to the couples' lives. What she found was an India that’s changing for women.
How to Be a Male Ally for the #MeToo Movement
Friday, February 09, 2018
What does a "male ally" look like, in the #MeToo movement? The editor-in-chief of Jezebel and The New York Times' gender editor weigh in here.
Federal Trial Unravels Years of Police Corruption in Baltimore
Wednesday, February 07, 2018
Baltimore's federal corruption trial has revealed alarming trends of systematic police corruption. Closing arguments are set to be heard today.