Amy Pearl appears in the following:
Good Things: Comfort Dogs In Training
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
The Department of Education's Comfort Dog program is now in 53 schools. But being a therapy dog requires special training.
Good Things: Fire Island Monarchs
Friday, November 04, 2022
Every September and October, the dunes of Fire Island are filled with Monarch butterflies migrating south. And a group of scientists is tracking their journey. WNYC’s Amy Pearl has more.
Good Things: Trick-or-Treat
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
The fake spiderwebs and plastic skeletons are back; Halloween is just days away. WNYC’s Amy Pearl crashed a kids' pumpkin carving party to find out this year's vibe.
The Pulitzer Prize-Winning Playwright Suzan-Lori Parks on “Topdog/Underdog”
Friday, October 21, 2022
The influential playwright talks with Vinson Cunningham about the revival on Broadway of her groundbreaking play.
#BLTrees Concludes, Part 2: Memorial Trees
Thursday, October 20, 2022
A continued wrap-up of #BLTrees with Marielle Anzelone and WNYC's Amy Pearl talking about memorial trees.
Good Things: Blessing of the Animals
Wednesday, October 05, 2022
The first Sunday in October, St. John's Park Slope in Brooklyn celebrated St. Francis of Assisi with a "blessing of the animals."
Good Things: Tennis For Everyone
Tuesday, September 06, 2022
Every summer, the US Open reminds New Yorkers that there’s just something about tennis. WNYC’s Amy Pearl met up with some kids in Brooklyn to find out what it is.
Good Things: Saving Water
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
It’s dry as a bone out there. Street trees are dropping their leaves, and even the weeds are wilting. But there's something you can do to help.
Good Things: Jumping Worms
Friday, August 05, 2022
There’s something invading New York’s forests and parks… earthworms! WNYC’s Amy Pearl has more.
Good Things: A Dog For The Day
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
What’s better than spending a lazy summer afternoon strolling in the park or cooling off at the beach? How about bringing along a New York City shelter dog! WNYC’s Amy Pearl has more.
Good Things: Street Sweeper Ballet
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Get three New Yorkers in a room and you’ll get four opinions about alternate side parking. But what about a street sweeper’s eye view?
Good Things: Dachshund Friendship Club
Wednesday, May 04, 2022
Washington Square Park on a sunny spring Saturday is a hectic mix of gawkers and hawkers, locals, students, and wiener dogs.
Good Things: Olmsted Farmhouse
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
This week marks the 200th birthday of Frederick Law Olmsted; we visit a little-known piece of Olmsted history on Staten Island.
Good Things: Bees on the Roof
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Everywhere you look trees and flowers are blooming. Look close and you can see bees visiting the blooms. WNYC’s Amy Pearl followed some of those bees to their urban home.
Good Things: Gone Fishing
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
April 15th is the start of striped bass season in New York City. But if you want to catch one, you’ve got to get up early. WNYC’s Amy Pearl headed to Throgs Neck in the Bronx.
Good Things: Frogs and Salamanders
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
As winter and spring play tug of war during the first half of March, a special pilgrimage is taking place in the Hudson Valley.
Good Things: Razom Ukraine
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
It’s been one month since Russia invaded Ukraine. WNYC’s Amy Pearl visited a non-profit aid group operating out of the East Village.
Good Things: Lockdown
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Two years ago today, the NYC school system shut down — just the beginning of an avalanche of changes brought on by the pandemic. Here's an audio time capsule.
Good Things: Getting Ready To Plant
Tuesday, March 01, 2022
Despite the frigid temperatures and frozen ground, farmers have a lot to do in February. WNYC’s Amy Pearl headed to Queens County Farm Museum.
Good Things: The Doorman's Take
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
We’re two years into the pandemic and people are watching for the city to return to normal. WNYC’s Amy Pearl went to the Upper East Side to get a doorman’s eye view.