Bob Hennelly


Bob Hennelly appears in the following:

Demolition Progressing at Former Deutsche Bank Site

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Workmen now have the former Deutsche Bank building, badly damaged on 9/11, down to just four stories. But despite the progress, the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation has told Lower Manhattan's Community Board 1 that problems with a crane at the site mean that the LMDC would not be finished with clearing the site until sometime early next year.

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Stats Show Shots Fired by NYPD at New Low

Thursday, November 11, 2010

New York City police officers fired fewer shots last year than at any time in the last 40 years. Statistics released by the NYPD show 296 bullets were discharged in 2009, in 105 incidents. That's 19 percent fewer bullets than in 2008 and a steep drop from the historical high set in 1972 of more than 2,500 rounds fired in nearly one thousand incidents.


A Decade After 9/11 The NYPD Toll Continues to Mount

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

On September 11, the Department lost 23 officers, mostly from its Emergency Services Unit. Twenty-nine NYPD officers have died since of 9/11 of related cancers and respiratory illnesses, according to the NYPD.

This week the badges of those 29 officers were installed at the NYPD's museum in lower Manhattan.


Stucknation: Economic Mess Continues after Midterms

Monday, November 08, 2010

Last Tuesday most Americans stayed home. It was a slight majority of the minority that turned out to redirect the nation's course.

Republicans bragged about winning. Democrats whined about losing. Meanwhile, more and more Americans worried about just surviving.

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GOP House Win Could Put NJ Reps at Center of Debate

Friday, November 05, 2010

The shift to GOP control in the US House of Representatives could mean some high-profile positions for some New Jersey Republicans that will put them at the center of major national policy debates.


52 to 45: How Republicans Shellacked Democrats

Thursday, November 04, 2010

From how Pres. Obama's party lost control of the House to why Sarah Palin isn't going away in 2012, listen as WNYC's Brian Lehrer, Andrea Bernstein, Bob Hennelly and Azi Paybarah chew over the election results in this 2010 swan song edition of Digesting Politics.


Regional Election Returns

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Colin McEnroe, host of The Colin McEnroe Show on WNPR and political columnist for the Hartford Courant, and WNYC reporter Bob Hennelly, look at regional races. Plus, live coverage of the Republican Leadership press conference.

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NY State Senate Democrats Counting Carefully

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Democrats currently hold a slim majority in the state Senate with 32 of the 62 Senate seats.

At one time, they were optimistic they could build on that majority. Their big hope now is that Attorney General Andrew Cuomo's double digit lead in the polls translates in a windfall down the ballot. 

But the most recent Siena Poll indicates Republican gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino, a Buffalo businessman, has enough of a stronghold upstate to help Republicans in tight races. In addition, several of the state's 29 House races have drawn dynamic Republican challengers, which could also push GOP vote totals up. And that's where state Senate bids are lost or won.


Election Day Politics

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Errol Louis, new host of NY1's Inside City Hall, and WNYC reporters Azi Paybarah and Bob Hennelly, discuss the predictions for the election results.

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Stucknation: Our Stalled Rowboat Needs More Oars

Monday, November 01, 2010

For decades I have been accosting total strangers about their electoral choices and have always come away learning something. This year, I staked out a mall on Route 46 in Parsippany, New Jersey while my wife went crafts shopping.

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Contest for Congress: New Jersey's 10th District

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Democratic Congressman Donald Payne has been representing the 10th Congressional District since 1988. He has one of the most liberal voting records of the state's delegation and is recognized by both parties as the top expert on Africa in Congress. The 76 year-old former high school teacher and coach made ...


Contest for Congress: New Jersey's 2nd District

Sunday, October 31, 2010

New Jersey's 2nd Congressional District at the most southern extreme of the Garden State has been represented by Republican Frank LoBiondo for eight terms. This sprawling district that includes Cape May, Atlantic, Cumberland, Salem and portions of Gloucester went for Bush in 2004, but flippped for Obama in 2008.

Lobiondo ...

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Contest for Congress: New Jersey's 1st District

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Almanac of American Politics describes Congressman Rob Andrews from New Jersey 1st District as the most prolific member of the House when it comes to drafting legisation. Andrews, a Democrat from Hadden Heights, has held the south Jersey seat since 1990 and has been a reliable ally for labor. ...


Contest for Congress: New Jersey's 13th District

Sunday, October 31, 2010


The 13th has been represented by Cuban-born Democrat Albio Sires since a special election in 2006. Before coming to Congress, he served as the speaker of the NJ Assembly. Sires has a liberal voting record, but like so many Hudson County Cuban Americans, he takes a hard line against Castro's ...


Contest for Congress: New Jersey's 11th District

Sunday, October 31, 2010


New Jersey's 11th District includes the entirety of the very Republican Morris County and portions of Sussex, Passaic, Essex, and Somerset Counties. Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen, whose family has been serving in Congress since 1793, has himself been in office since 1995. He is a fiscal conservative who initially voted against ...


Contest for Congress: New Jersey's 7th District

Sunday, October 31, 2010


For Republican Rep. Leonard Lance, who represent New Jersey's 7th District, winning the primary back in June meant surviving a crowded field of Tea Party inspired fellow Republicans.

The Clinton Township resident is a survivor. In 2008 Lance beat the better funded Democratic Assemblywoman Linda Stender even though Pres. Obama ...


Contest for Congress: New Jersey's 4th District

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Republican Congressman Christopher Smith has been in office for 15 terms, making him the longest-serving member of New Jersey's delegation. Smith opposes the death penalty and is anti-abortion. He frequently uses the platform of his office to advance the cause of international human rights and religious freedom in China. Smith ...


Contest for Congress: New Jersey's 9th District

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Democratic Congressman Steve Rothman has represented the 9th District since 1997, when he succeeded Robert Torricelli when he moved on to the U.S. Senate. Rothman was one of just a handful of Democratic insiders who recognized then-Sen. Barack Obama's ability to go all the way, and he bucked the conventional ...


Contest for Congress: New Jersey's 8th District

Sunday, October 31, 2010

New Jersey's 8th Congressional district is represented by Democrat William Pascrell, 73, who also served in the State Assembly and as the Mayor of Paterson. Pascrell was first elected to the House in 1996. From his powerful post of the House Ways and Means Committee, Pascrell gave voice to trade ...


Contest for Congress: New Jersey's 5th District

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The 5th District has voted to send Republican Congressman Scott Garrett to Washington four times. Garret is pro-life and is one of the most conservative members of the House. He voted against extending unemployment benefits and strongly opposes the Obama Administration's health care overhaul. Garrett, who lives in Wantage, has ...
