Bob Hennelly


Bob Hennelly appears in the following:

NY Democrats Look to Women Candidates - and Paladino - to Build Albany Power

Monday, September 20, 2010

With six weeks left before voters go to the polls,  New York candidates are hitting the streets and the airwaves. Democrats are trying to hold onto their control of the state Senate...

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General Campaign Season Kick Off: What's Ahead

Monday, September 20, 2010

With the party primaries receding in the rearview mirror, political candidates have their eyes fixed on the six week road to November. As the first full week of general election camp...

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Stucknation: A Personal Perspective on Foreclosure Families

Monday, September 20, 2010

Two years after the start of the Great Recession, the collateral damage continues to mount. Formerly middle class families continue to fall into the abyss of dispossesion and poverty,...
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Contest for Congress: In Hudson Valley, Republican Tries to Recapture Seat from Rockstar

Monday, September 20, 2010

Until four years ago, New York's 19th House District in the lower Hudson Valley was considered Republican territory. But in 2006, former rock star John Hall of the band Orleans used a...

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Contest for Congress: GOP Targeting Bishop in Hamptons Swing District

Saturday, September 18, 2010

According to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, seven incumbent House Democrats face formidable Republican challengers in New York. For the Republicans, one of their best prospects for a pick-up is New York's 1st Congressional District that includes Long Island's Hamptons and Eastern Suffolk County.


Digesting Politics: New York's Post-Primary Political Landscape

Friday, September 17, 2010

WNYC’s Brian Lehrer, Andrea Bernstein, Bob Hennelly and Azi Paybarah discuss New York's volatile political landscape now that political novice Carl Paladino, a salty, self-identified Tea Party candidate, clinched the Republican nomination for governor in this week’s primary, leaving his moderate Republican rival Rick Lazio at the top of the Conservative Party ticket.

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City Deal for New Voting Machines under Federal Scrutiny

Friday, September 17, 2010

Federal investigators are looking into how a Nebraska firm, Election Systems Software, won a $50 million contract to provide the city with new optical-scan voting machines, a law enforcement source confirms.


The Conservative Party at a Crossroads

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Conservative Party was founded as a response to the liberal Republicanism of Gov. Nelson Rockefeller. Now, ironically, it's providing a ballot line refuge to Rick Lazio, a pro-cho...


Primary Results: the New York State View

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

WNYC reporters Azi Paybarah and Bob Hennelly discuss the state election returns.

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The Big Picture: New York

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

For our weekly election series, The Big Picture 2010, WNYC's reporters Bob Hennelly and Azi Paybarah take a look at the elections in New York State this November and what we can expect this primary day.

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Primary Day

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

WNYC reporters Azi Paybarah and Bob Hennelly unpack the day's political news.  

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Stucknation: 21st Century Recovery Can't Take Flight with 20th Century Baggage

Monday, September 13, 2010

Congress returns to Washington this week as "Recovery Summer" withers  to "Flatline  Fall.” Both parties have their scripts for the off-year election campaign well-rehearsed. Stage left, there is President Obama with a hastily assembled $50 billion dollar infrastructure bill. And stage right, the Republicans fight to keep Bush era tax cuts ...

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Campaign Postcard: Embattled Espada Faces Fight of His Career

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Under state and federal scrutiny over allegations that he illegally pocketed millions from a community health care network, state Senate Majority Leader Pedro Espada faces a well-organized challenger in Gustavo Rivera.

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Latino Lawmakers Face Challenges in Next Week's Primary

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Bronx State Sen. Pedro Espada is one of a number of veteran Latino lawmakers who face serious challenges in next week's Democratic primary. Espada, the Senate majority leader, led a group of Democratic lawmakers whose brief defection to the Republicans in 2009 threw Albany into a near constitutional crisis. Others facing tough fights include Bronx state Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr. and former State Sen. Hiram Monserratte, who was forced to leave the Senate over domestic violence charges, and is trying to make a comeback in an open Assembly seat in Queens.


Five Dems for NY AG Coming Down to Wire

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

With less than a week to go, polls indicate most Democratic voters couldn't pick one of the five contenders for Attorney General out of a line-up. The airwaves are jammed with AG wannabe TV ads and the candidates are all beating the bushes to produce yet another marquee endorsement.

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Free Country

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

WNYC reporters Bob Hennelly and Azi Paybarah introduce the new politics website, It's a Free Country, and talk politics a week before the New York primary.  David Webb, co-founder of TeaParty365, joins in.

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Welcome to Stucknation

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

As voters size up their picks this midterm election, they might wonder just where is "the change we can believe in?" If the reordering of national priorities that President Obama and the Democrats promised in 2008 has occurred, there is little sign of it in the lives of the middle class households they promised to champion.     

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Campaign Postcard: AG Candidate Richard Brodsky Makes His Bid to Be the 'People's Protector'

Friday, September 03, 2010

The veteran assemblyman is counting on voters to remember his decades-long Albany record battling special interests and unaccountable public authorities. WNYC's Bob Hennelly spends a day with the Brodsky campaign.

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Campaign Postcard: On the Trail with AG Candidate Kathleen Rice

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Rice must quickly identify potentially motivated voters while she keeps supporters energized -- all while holding down her day job as Nassau County's district attorney.

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The NYPD's Efforts to Reach Out to the Muslim Community Since 9/11

Monday, August 30, 2010

In the months after 9/11, New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly reached out to the city's Muslim population. WNYC reporter Bob Hennelly explains how that strategy has worked and what those relationships have meant during the current controversy surrounding the proposed Islamic cultural center and mosque near Ground Zero.
