Bob Hennelly


Bob Hennelly appears in the following:

NJ: Gay Marriage Advocates Push for Reforms, Despite Divisions in Approach

Monday, November 23, 2009

In New Jersey hundreds of gay marriage advocates packed the State Capitol in Trenton, hoping to press lawmakers to take a vote on the issue. WNYC's Bob Hennelly reports.

REPORTER: Democratic lawmakers who support same-sex marriage legislation are facing division in their ranks. There is one ...


CUNY Faces Big Cuts From City

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Bloomberg Administration's latest cost-cutting plan limits the impact on public schools, but not on the city's university system. WNYC's Bob Hennelly reports.

REPORTER: The City University system is in the class of agencies being hit the hardest, a four-percent cut in the current year and ...


NJ Gay Marriage Bill Could Reach Senate Floor Next Week

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A veteran New Jersey lawmaker says she's confident a same-sex marriage bill will make it to the floor when the legislature convenes for its lame duck session next week. WNYC's Bob Hennelly reports.

REPORTER: State Senator Loretta Weinberg, who was Governor Corzine's running mate in his ...


Christie Asks Corzine to Stop Spending

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The so-far collegial relationship between outgoing New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine and Governor-Elect Chris Christie, may be tested in the weeks ahead.


NJ Leaders Gather to Discuss Mounting Fiscal Challenges

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This week, as representatives of New Jersey 's 566 towns gather in Atlantic City for the New Jersey State League of Municipalities annual conference, local officials face mounting fiscal woes. WNYC's Bob Hennelly reports. REPORTER: Bill Dressel, executive director of the League of Municipalities, says ...


In Transition, Christie Has Specific Requests for Outgoing Corzine

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The so-far collegial relationship between outgoing New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine and Governor-Elect Chris Christie, may be tested in the weeks ahead.

In a letter hand-delivered to Corzine late yesterday, Christie asked the governor to freeze all discretionary state spending, veto all legislation with any fiscal ...


Bloomberg Administration Orders More Mid-Year Cuts

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Once again a poorly performing economy has the Bloomberg Administration calling for mid-year budget cuts. WNYC's Bob Hennelly has more.

REPORTER: By December third city managers have to find hundreds of millions in cuts this fiscal year and $1.2 billion for next. This time Schools, Police ...


CUNY's Fiterman Hall Building To Be Demolished Before Thanksgiving

Friday, November 13, 2009

A building that has served as a grim reminder of the September 11th attack in Lower Manhattan is itself about to become history. WNYC's Bob Hennelly has more.

REPORTER: Fiterman Hall was a 14-story building owned by the City University of New York, just a couple ...


A Memo on the Between Time: Trenton in Transition

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Governor Corzine and Governor Elect Chrisitie will meet on Thursday, and the state's looming $8 billlion dollar budget gap will be top of the agenda. Christie has the option to declare a Statewide Fiscal Emergency which would give him greater leverage with the state's 75,000 public employees. Both men will ...


Christie Chooses Bi-Partisan Transition Team

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Jersey Governor Elect Chris Christie has announced his transition team. And, as WNYC's Bob Hennelly reports, prominent Democrats are on it.

REPORTER: The campaign may have been a bitter partisan battle but, post-election, it appears Governor Elect Christie wants a bi-partisan team. Former Attorney General ...


Student Safet Act Gains Momentum In City Council

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A bill aimed at tightening oversight of the City's school safety agents is gaining momentum in the City Council. It would increase documentation of police encounters with students in city schools. WNYC's Bob Hennelly reports.

REPORTER: There was not an empty seat at a public hearing, ...


No Consensus Between Democrats on Gay Marriage Bill in NJ

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New Jersey State Senate President Richard Codey says even though he supports gay marriage, there may not be enough support in his caucus to bring it to a vote. WNYC's Bob Hennelly has more.

REPORTER: Codey, whose acting Governor while Jon Corzine is on vacation, says ...


Students, Parents Rally for School Safety Reporting

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

More than a hundred students, parents and activists rallied on the steps of City Hall to support a pending Student Safety Act. Boosters of the proposed legislation say it will bring increased transparency to the way the NYPD and the Department of Education police the ...


White House Looked to Codey

Monday, November 09, 2009

In New Jersey, all the election returns have been in for days, but just now some behind the scenes details about the Obama Administration's pre-election anxiety over the candidacy of Governor Corzine are coming to light. WNYC's political reporter Bob Hennelly was told by State Senate President Dick Codey that ...


Post-election Politicking Intensifies in NJ

Monday, November 09, 2009

In New Jersey the campaigning has ended, but over the next two months the behind-the-scenes politicking in Trenton promises to get even more intense.


Dick Codey: The NJ Gov. That Almost Ran

Monday, November 09, 2009

President Obama came to New Jersey to publicly support Gov. John Corzine's failed re-election bid. Now, details about the White House's behind-the-scenes role in the New Jersey governor's race are coming out and WNYC's Bob Hennelly has them.

REPORTER: State Senate President Dick Codey says back ...


In New Jersey, Politicking Intensifies Before Inauguration Day

Monday, November 09, 2009

In New Jersey the campaigning has ended, but over the next two months the behind-the-scenes politicking in Trenton promises to get even more intense. WNYC's Bob Hennelly has this report.

REPORTER: Incumbent Democratic legislators have just weeks to go before they lose the advantage of having ...


One on One With Bill Thompson After Close Defeat

Friday, November 06, 2009

From the beginning of the mayoral campaign, incumbent Michael Bloomberg had the upper hand, including a huge lead in the polls over his Democratic opponent, Bill Thompson. But when voters actually got to weigh in, the contest was much closer than expected. WNYC's Bob Hennelly ...


WNYC's Bob Hennelly Talks with Bill Thompson

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Bill Thompson (Mario Tama/Getty Images)

Bill Thompson (Mario Tama/Getty Images)

From the beginning of the mayoral campaign, incumbent Michael Bloomberg had the upper hand, including a huge lead in the polls over his Democratic opponent, Bill Thompson. But when voters actually got ...


Education Reform in NY and NJ

Thursday, November 05, 2009

President Obama gave a major education speech yesterday that may have implications for how New York runs its school system.

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