Bob Hennelly


Bob Hennelly appears in the following:

Term Limit Opposition Mounts

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Mayor Bloomberg's bid to lift term limits and run for a third term is far from a done deal. As WNYC's Bob Hennelly reports there appears to be growing opposition to the Mayor's bill.

REPORTER: On the steps of City Hall yesterday, Dan Cantor with the ...


Quinn Reticent on Term Limit Position

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

As Mayor Bloomberg's bill to repeal term limits was introduced to the City Council, the body's speaker, Christine Quinn, has yet to take a position on the controversial measure. Speaker Quinn says she's continuing to deliberate with her Democratic colleagues on what position she should ...


City Lawmakers get First Look at Term Limits Bill Today

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

City lawmakers get their first look today at the language in Mayor Bloomberg's bill to extend term limits. WNYC's Bob Hennelly reports on what's next.

City Council members have yet to see the Bloomberg bill itself, but were told it seeks to extend the current two ...


Council Members Debate Term Limits

Monday, October 06, 2008

Several Council members heading into this afternoon's Democratic caucus said they were still undecided about how to vote on repealing term limits without going back to voters that have twice cast ballots to keep them in place.

Even City Council Speaker Christine Quinn has yet to ...


Dem Caucus to Debate Term Limits

Monday, October 06, 2008

Democrats will meet behind closed doors today with Council Speaker Christine Quinn to decide what to do with Mayor Bloomberg's call to change the city's term limits law. WNYC's Bob Hennelly reports.

REPORTER: For two-thirds of the Council's 51 members the debate will be very much ...


Why Bloomberg Wants to Run Again

Friday, October 03, 2008

Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants the term limits law changed so he can have a third term and shepherd New York through the financial crisis. WNYC's Bob Hennelly speaks to Dan Blumberg about the ramifications of Bloomberg's move.


Bloomberg Speaks

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Bob Hennelly reports in live from Mayor Bloomberg's press conference, where he is expected to announce his intention to run for a third time.

Comments [3]

Mayor Bloomberg Ready for Third Term

Thursday, October 02, 2008

In announcing his push for a third term, a somber Mayor Michael Bloomberg said he is motivated by a looming global financial meltdown that could have dire consequences for New York City.

He said the pending 700 billion dollar Wall Street bailout bill was no silver ...


WTC Redevelopment Moves Forward

Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Port Authority will be announcing a new timetable this morning for the construction they're responsible for at the World Trade Center site. At the helm is the agency's Executive Director Chris Ward. Appointed by Governor Paterson, he's been tasked to revise and create a ...


Mayor Bloomberg Says He's Best Suited to Lead City Through Fiscal Crisis

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Michael Bloomberg would like the opportunity to run for re-election for a third, four year term, citing his past Wall Street experience and his business acumen.


Coalition Prepares to Fight Proposed Changes to Term Limits

Thursday, October 02, 2008

In anticipation of Mayor Bloomberg's expected announcement that he wants to overturn term limits so he can run for four more years in office, a coalition opposing the move is gaining steam.

The head of the good government group Citizen's Union says he is working to ...


Bloomberg Expected to Seek a Third Term

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

In a move that promises to alter the city's political landscape, Mayor Bloomberg is expected to go for a third term. After dangling the possibility before the media for months now, people who've been briefed by the mayor say he'll make his intentions known tomorrow. ...


New Jersey Considers Budget Cuts Amid Economic Turmoil

Saturday, September 27, 2008

First it was Governor Paterson who called for mid-year budget cuts as a response to the crisis in Wall Street. Then it was Mayor Bloomberg. Now, New Jersey lawmakers are nervously eyeing their budget, as WNYC's Bob Hennelly reports.


Cargo Scanning Delayed

Friday, September 26, 2008

It's taking more time and more money to roll out a new radiation detection system for cargo that enters ports here in New York and elsewhere. WNYC's Bob Hennelly has more on a report from Congress's Government Accountability Office.

REPORTER: The GAO says developers won't meet ...


Council Members Concerned With New Cuts in Police and Education

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wall Street's slide has prompted the Bloomberg Administration's call for hundreds of millions of dollars in mid-year spending cuts. So far the City Council is most concerned about the impact cuts would have on the Police Department and public schools. WNYC's Bob Hennelly has more.



Local Governments Feel the Budget Pinch

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wall Street's woes are hitting New York City and New York State budgets hard. But as WNYC's Bob Hennelly reports, the toll on smaller local governments is every bit as serious.

REPORTER: Local towns and school districts throughout the state depend on property taxes. So the ...


Bloomberg Orders More Budget Cuts

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Bloomberg Administration is asking all City agencies to make hundreds of millions of dollars in spending cuts for the current fiscal year. And as WNYC's Bob Hennelly reports, even more pain is in store for next year.

REPORTER: City Budget Director Mark Page says Wall ...


Corzine Responds to Financial Crisis

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine and state legislative leaders are not waiting for Washington to come up with a state response to the global financial crisis. WNYC's Bob Hennelly has more.

REPORTER: New Jersey's economy is not quite as dependent on Wall Street's performance as are ...


City Settles Final Gun Lawsuit

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The last hold out of 27 gun dealers the Bloomberg Administration sued has settled.

The agreement mirrors settlements with other out-of-state gun dealers from Georgia, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Ohio.

Under the settlement terms gun dealers will go beyond enforcing existing law and adopt so-called 'Industry Best" ...


Bloomberg Not Sure Wall Street Bailout Will Work

Saturday, September 20, 2008

As the federal government prepares to absorb billions of dollars in bad debt, New York City's billionaire Mayor says he's not sure if the bailout plan will work. WNYC's Bob Hennelly has more.

REPORTER: Mayor Bloomberg says the jury is out on the prudence of the ...
